Mexborough and Swinton Times March 6, 1896
Conisborough Parish Council
A meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday evening, Mr Whitfield in the chair. The other members present were Messrs Casey, Robinson, Norwood, Ogley, Milner, Marsh, Holmes, Gillott and Jones.
The minutes having the red, Mr Holmes took exception to the action of the Council at the last meeting appointed to trustees to administer the charity doles along with the churchwardens. It was contrary both to the letter and spirit of the act. As he read section 27, clause 14 of the Parish Council Act, it was quite clear that the Council had to appoint trustees independent of the churchwardens, and he called upon the chairman to rule the motion out of order.
Mr Whitfield pointed out that the trustees of charities were not trustees by virtue of being churchwardens, but were appointed in accordance with the deed. The word of the act did not seem to be very clear, and he would hardly be expected to rule this motion out of order off hand. He thought the matter should be referred to the Charity Commissioners
Mr Marsh: Would you accept a barrister’s opinion?
Mr Whitfield: Well, I shall not pay for it. (Laughter)
Mr Holmes: You can have it gratis.
Mr Whitfield: Mr Gillott, one of the churchwardens is here; you and he had better fight it out. (Laughter).
Mr Gillott: No. I am not complaining about the minute.
Mr Holmes then move that all the minutes set the one relating to the appointment of trustees be confirmed, and that the opinion of the Charity Commissioners be taken as to the validity of the Council’s action in referring to the trustees.
The resolution was carried unanimously.
The Clerk read a letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council stating that the price per lamb for lighting Conisborough was £1 13s 6d per year. There was no written contract with the Gas Company.
Mr Whitfield: I am very loath to believe it.
Mr Casey: I don’t believe it. I give the Gas Company credit for doing better than that.
Mr Gillott: What’s that ?
The Chairman: You heard the letter read.
Mr Gillott: No, I didn’t
The Chairman: Then you should have listened instead of talking.
Registry of Births and Deaths
The Clerk read a letter from the Registrar General of births and deaths stating it was out of his power to grant a resident registrar for Conisborough. He was however, prepared to request the local registrar to revise his fixtures and attend more frequently at Conisborough, seeing that Conisborough was one the most populous place within the Tickhill subdistrict.
On the motion of Mr Casey will resolve that the registrar be requested to attend Conisborough three times per week.
Light and Fire
A letter was read from the Clerk to the School Board requesting payment of the £5 for light and five for one quarter, and intimating that the charge in future would be £7 10s. It was decided that the clerk should write that the Council considered £5 was a sufficient charge.
A letter from Mr Wigfall was read offering to let the Council five or 7 acres of his land at the end nearest Pleasant, on condition that the rents paid off yearly at the rate of £2 10s per acre, including tithes. Terms: 12 months notice to quit. Possession to be given February 2, 1897. It was decided to accept this offer.
Fire Brigade
The Council appointed Mr Jones captain, and Mr Downing chief fireman of the Fire Brigade. It was decided to insure the members of the brigade at a premium of 4s 8d per man.
Mr Holmes referred to easiness in reference to some of the footpaths in locality, Mr Gillott said that the people blame Mr Whitfield for Wortley’s prosecution.
Mr Whitfield: Perhaps so if they are such scandal mongers as you