Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 5, 1895
Conisborough Parish Council
Water Supply
Important Communication from the County Council
The Clerk read the following communications:
“Union Offices, Doncaster.
At the last meeting of the Sanitary Committee in connection with the Doncaster Rural Sanitary Authority, a letter was read from Local Government Board calling attention to a report made by Dr Wheaton, one of the inspectors last year, on the water supply of the district asking what steps this Council propose to take for the purpose of carrying into effect the recommendations made by him for its betterment. Before taking steps the Council thought it advisable to acquaint your Council that something would have to be done in your parish. I enclose recommendations drawn up by the medical officer for health which will be some guide to your Council in considering the matter and they the committee will be glad of an early reply as to the views of your Council on the subject, or upon any other scheme your Council might think advisable.
F.C.Nicholson, Clark.”
The following report was also read:
Conisborough Water Supply
“the supply for Conisborough Parish and greatly improved during the last 10 years by conveying water from the Town Well and from Holywell Springs to such parts of the parish as the level would permit it. But there is still a large part of the population who have to get their supply from great distances, as the existing supply is very precarious in dry seasons.
The new portions of Conisborough, built by the colliery company, and now supplied with water laid on houses. This supply is obtained from the depth of 93 feet from the surface, and the water is pure, but hard. Some additional work is necessary to bring a double supply water with a a reasonable distance of many houses there stop in dry seasons, there is not enough water for cooking and drinking, and many persons are prejudiced against the use of rainwater altogether, but it would be better to see the wants of the parish of Conisborough, and to endeavour to meet these by, if possible, such a scheme as will utilise all the existing schemes, or to provide from other sources within or near the parish, an increased supply of water as would answer all requirements. If such a general scheme were allowed, the cost would probably fall upon the household using the water, and a deficiency would have to be raised by a special sanitary rate over the whole parish.”
Mr Jones thought it was the best piece of information they had received on the subject.
Mr Norwood thought Doncaster Corporation was going to supply them?
The Chairman: We have no power to compel them to supply us. Continuing, he said that the District Council was in communication with the Corporation. They expected to hear further. The subject was not made the matter for further discussion.