Conisborough Scavenging.

April 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 13 April 1912

Conisborough Scavenging.

The Rural District Council, of Doncaster invite tenders for the emptying of the earth closets and ashpits and the removal of house refuse within the township of Conisborough for 12 months, from the 1st May next, in three

Number 1 district consists of New Conisborough, commencing at the Station Hotel.

Number 2 district consists of Old Conisborough, commencing at and including the Station Hotel.

The whole of the privies and ashp its in each of the above district to be emptied once at the least in every four weeks, and oftener where necessary, and a Bell Cart to be sent round each district every fortnight to collect the contents of Dust Bins, Ashes Tubs, and House Refuse.

Number 3 district to consist of Clifton. The Closets and Ashpits in this district to be emptied and House Refuse collected every three months.

Forms of Tender may be obtained an application to Mr H Thurlwall, Inspector of Nuisances, 7 St Georges Gate, Doncaster.

A record of premises scavenged to be forwarded to the Inspector of Nuisances every week.

Tenders, stated a separate price for each district, to be endorsed “Tenders for Scavenging,” and sent in so as to reach me not later than the first port on Saturday 20th of April 1912.

The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted


Clerk to the Council