Mexborough and Swinton Times July 12, 1895
Conisborough School Board
The usual monthly meeting of the above Board was held on Thursday evening week, in the National Schools, Conisborough. There were present Messrs R.B.Dufton (Chairman), Pagdin, Marsh and Norwood. The first business for consideration, the minutes having been read, was the attendance report.
The attendance officer (Mrs Sergentson) presented the following report:
“The attendance during the month I had been as follows:
Infants, number on books 198, average attendance 175, percentage 78
Boys, number on register 222 last week, attendance 176, average attendance 79.1”
He also reported that two very bad cases had come under his supervision. One Rebecca White, who out of a possible attendance of 29 had only made seven.
A very bad instance of the regular attendance at the Conisborough School was that of a pupil named Emily Morton, who admits 12 attendances out of a possible 29. In this case the magistrates order been obtained, this had been continually and systematically disregarded.
Total attendance for the month ended June 28: number on register 287, average 238, percentage 84. He regretted that he had all been unable to obtain the average attendance for Denaby Main, but could say that the average attendance at those schools had considerably improved (hear, hear)
Inspectors Report
The Clerk read the following report, which had been received from H.M. Inspector:
Boys School: This school was closed for several weeks of the year in consequence of scarlet fever. The order is, at present, excellent, and the teaching very careful and highly intelligent stop liking is being improved. The main room appears to be insufficiently warm.
With regard to the Girls School, the tone and order are admirable, and the attainments are highly creditable. The lighting is improved, but it is doubtful whether the room is sufficiently warmed.
With regard to the Infants Department, the children in this department are in excellent order, and their attainment are highly creditable. An additional exit is desirable. It is doubtful whether this department is properly warmed.
Mr Pagdin: I am not satisfied with the lighting of the schools myself.