Mexborough and Swinton Times October 7, 1898
Conisborough School Board.
The usual monthly meeting of the above Board was held on Wednesday night at the Board Schools, Mr.W. W. Norwood (the chairman) presiding, and the other members present were Messrs. Pagdin, Marsh,. Ravenscroft, and Booth.
The clerk (Mr. George Harrison) and the attendance officer (Mr. Sargentson) were also in attendance.
The Clerk read over the minutes of the last meeting, which were passed as read, and ordered to be confirmed.
The Clerk read some correspondence from the Public Works Loan Commissioners with respect to the loan for the new schools.
The Chairman remarked that the arrangements as to the wall appeared to him to be satisfactory.
With respect to the caretaker’s salary, Mr. Pagdin said he had ascertained that the Sheffield School Board paid the caretaker’s at so much per 100 children. They paid 3s. 2d. per 100. At Mexborough he found they paid very small salary, and didn’t employ anyone the whole of the time but simply had men or women at various times, and they paid something like ten or twelve shillings a week.
The Chairman: Like we do, now?
Mr. Pagdin: Yes.
The Chairman: How many hundreds have we here?
Mr. Pagdin: Between seven and eight.
The Attendance-Officer: You can call it eight.
Mr. Pagdin moved that they advertise for a caretaker for the Conisborough Board Schools at a salary of 24s. per week. – This resolution was agreed to.
It was intimated that cheques required signing for £125 6s. 2d., including a cheque for £600 for the contracters of the extensions to the Board School, who had sent in a certificate for the money.
Mr. Pagdin : Are you satisfied, Mr. Chairman, that we have this money?
The Chairman: I am satisfied we haven’t it.
The Clerk, in answer to a question, said a precept was due to them, which Mr. Hawksworth said he was going to pay in.
The Chairman: Do you know: that Cuphe has paid it in?
The Clerk: I don’t. Mr Pagdin said that under certain circumstances they were liable to be surcharged.
The Chairman said: they would be as bad scalded as burnt, because had it from the contractor that if it wasn’t paid this month he would charge them 5 per cent. interest for the money until such time as it was paid.
Mr. Pagdin moved that the cheques be made out to the Chairman, and that he be asked to see the treasurer to, see what arrangements could be made.
The Chairman said he should be pleased to wait on the treasurer, and he would give them his assurance that he would not let the cheque go out of his hands until he was satisfied that the bank were willing to pay.
Mr. Ravenscroft seconded.—The resolution was carried unanimously.
The Chairman said it would be necessary to have a special meeting for the purpose of appointing a new member in the place of Mr. Stacey, who resigned. There must be a clear month given to him to which, if he pleased, he could withdraw his resignation. There had been no withdrawals, so they could now look upon it as final.
The clerk read a letter from Mr. White, architect, of Mexborough, who stated that he was exceedingly sorry that he had been unable to complete the plans of the new schools for that meeting, on account of the, great amount of work which they entailed. He would push on with them and get them ready as soon as possible.
It was decided to hold a special meeting of the Board at some future date to consider the plans and point a new member in the place of Mr. Stacey. The Board then resolved itself into committee