Conisborough School Board – Letter

August 1895

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 91895

Conisborough School Board – Letter

Sir, – in reading again over your report of the school board meeting in last week’s issue I was very much and mused at the sayings and doings of some of the members, and if I had anticipated such lively proceedings I would have spared time and heard it myself. It seems particularly galling for some people to find themselves in the minority and have to submit to the will of the majority, especially when they are in the habit of having their own will in most things.

I don’t know whether to say that I am most surprised that Mr Walker’s actions or his words, for the one sadly contradict the other.

It may not be known generally, but it is never the less a fact that six years ago Mr, Walker supported DrHills in his contest for the chair, and not because he was at the head of the poll, for the doctor was at the bottom of those elected, and now he wants the one that tops the poll to be made chairman. This, I imagine, is simply and solely because he himself was at the top. At one time he supports the lowest, and next time says the highest ought to be chairman.

As for his actions I look upon them as very ungentlemanly. It seems that if he cannot have the position he once he won’t have any. He was tried for vice-chair and also treasurer, but would not accept either. He also refused to serve on the committee, and was anything but amiable throughout the meeting. It is possible to appreciate the vicar’s kind words about his warden, but surely he ought to have lent him there scriptural injunction to “Let another man praised the and not thine own tongue.”

Mr. Walker sounded his own trumpet remarkably well at the last meeting.

As for Mr Stacey, he has soon proved himself a turncoat, for he promised a second Mr Dufton nomination, instead of which he support Mr Walker.

Yours truly

David Robinson, Glass Work Row, Conisborough, August 6