Conisborough School Board – Teacher Appointment – New School – Temperance

February 1897

Mexborough and Swinton Times, February 6th 1997

Conisborough School Board.

The usual monthly meeting was held last night, Mr Dufton presiding. The members present were Messrs. Pagdin, Walker, Marsh, and the Rev G. H. Stock (in the chair), Mr Harrison.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ordered to be confirmed.

Appointment of Teachers

The Clerk said they had received an application from Mr Jones, of Northampton, as assistant master, and he, along with Mr Pagdin, had appointed him, subject to the sanction, by the board that evening.

Rev G. H. Stock: And you have appointed this man as teacher under the board.

The Clerk: Yes, sir; subject to the sanction of the board tonight.

The Rev G. H. Stock said he did not see where the Clerk and the treasurer of the management committee had power to appoint teachers.

Mr Pagdin was under the impression that they had been given power to appoint teachers in that way.

The Clerk said there had been a rule passed to that effect.

Rev. G. H. Stock: I think not, sir.

The Chairman: Look and see what was passed at the last meeting.

Mr Walker: I believe they were only given power to appoint on one occasion.

Rev. G. H. Stock: I think that was the case. I don’t think it is any good looking; there never was a minute passed. It was only for one special occasion.

The Chairman said they ought to give them power to appoint teachers when they wanted until the monthly meetings, they often found that the teachers had obtained situations elsewhere. He did not blame them, he should do the same himself.

Rev. G. H. Stock: It is a very businesslike way to proceed. He simply brought it forward as a matter of principle.

Mr Pagdin: I shall have to appeal to the other members.

Mr Marsh: I quite agree with Mr Stock. We formerly had special meeting to appoint teachers.

Rev. G. H. Stock: We ought to have one. I am satisfied in the teacher, but not in the way he has been appointed. It will be no good us meeting month after month if the business was going to be carried on in that way. It was the matter of principle he brought forward. After my remarks I shall move that Mr Jones be appointed.

Mr Marsh said he should second Mr Stock’s motion. – Carried.

Miss Maxfield, of Rawmarsh, applied for the post as assistant Mistress in the infant department. – Rev. G. H. Stock moved her appointment. – Mr Marsh seconded. – Carried

Mr Walker (to Mr Pagdin) – We condemn you for the way, but congratulate you on the appointments. (Laughter)

On the motion of the Rev G. H. Stock, Miss Drew was appointed assistant Mistress in the mixed department.

A letter was read from Miss Worsley, in which she tended her resignation, and asking for a testimonial from the board. Mr Stock moved that the resignation be accepted, and that the testimonial be supplied. – Carried.

The Clerk was instructed to advertise for an assistant Mistress for the infants department.

The New School

The Clerk read a letter from Mr Brundell, in which he stated that he had heard nothing definite from Lord Yarborough’s solicitors.

Mr Walker move that the Clerk Write to Mr White, asking the price of a piece of land belonging to Mr Montagu, which might be required by the board, and when the board could take possession of it. – The chairman seconded.

Mr Marsh: do the board mean to buy this land?

Mr Walker: we want to know the price of it, and then we shall have two strings to our bow.

Mr Marsh move that if a reply be received within three weeks a special meeting be called. – Carried.

Temperance Lectures

A letter was read from Mr Joseph Addison, of the United Kingdom Band of Hope, asking the board to allow him to give lectures at schools, and mentioning that he had twice previously visited the schools.

Rev. G. H. Stock, moved that the application be granted. – Mr Marsh seconded. – Carried.

The Pupil Teachers Centre.

The clinic read a communication from the Mexborough school board, stating that they were desirous of forming a centre for the training of pupil teachers in the district and asking the board if they would join in a scheme, and bear the portion of expenses that might be incurred.

Mr Walker: will it do any good?

Mr Pagdin said it would help the teachers considerably.

Mr Walker: is it worth the expense?

Mr Pagdin: yes.

Rev. G. H. Stock said he should like to see what other boards in the district might do.

Mr Walker: right for some more information, and settled the matter them.

The chairman: The clerk could write for further information. – Mr Stock thought the Mexborough board were waiting to see how the scheme took with the other boards before they set themselves to work.

It was unaimously decided to settle the matter at a future date.

The Drains

A notice was sent to the board for the repairing of the drains, and Mr Walker moved that the work be done. – Carried