Conisborough School Board – The Blind Boy, Precept, Clerk’s Extra Work

April 1901

Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 5.

Conisbrough School Board.

An ordinary monthly meeting was held on Wednesday night. Mr W.W.Norwood presided, and other members present were Messrs Gillott, Marsh, Robinson, Ravenscoft, Brocklesby, and Booth, with the officials, Mr F. Allen, clerk; and Mr Sargenson, attendance officer.

The clerk read the meetings of the last ordinary meeting, and a special meeting, which were confirmed.

The Blind Boy

The Chairman said that the first thing, arising out of the minutes was in regard to the blind boy Cobben

The Clerk said that he had had a reply from the Guardians stating that the matter was receiving attention.

Mr Brocklesby asked if there had been some confusion of names in regard to the matter.

The chairman said he thought that hey had sent in one name Hawler, but when the guardians received official communication given the name as Cobben, he did not think any confusion would arise in regard to it.

He thought that a stumbling block in the lads way it was his parent or parents. If anything was going to be done for him he thought the Board would have to do it. The board were willing to help them out with of the public money, but it seemed she did not try to assist them. They ought not to let the matter drop, but keep pressing the Board of Guardians. He had heard of a school in London, but he could not send the lad without any authority, and the next meeting of the Guardians would be too late.

He had written to the principal of the schooling to delay the vacancy, but had received a letter stating that the vacancy have been filled, but there might be more vacancies.

He had heard that the lad was learning a trade of basket making, and only wanted a few more touches to make a basket, could he not then make a decent livelihood.

Ultimately resolved that the Guardians be written to again pressing the case.

The clerk reported that the Labour examination had been advertised for April 27.

Mr Sargentson said that all the prosecutions for irregular attendance had been successful.


The chairman said to be in time he thought it would be the best to sign a precept for the next half year, to the amount of £650. That calculated that in a committee meeting that the amount will carry them through. They’re just got themselves round, and he thought that amount would see them clear.

At this the question was raised after the launch, and Mr Marsh thought it would be better if the clerk could ascertain how many loans were running on.

Mr Marsh moved and Mr Ravenscroft seconded that a precept be issued for £650 for the next year. The resolution was carried.

Appointment of Teacher.

The next item was the appointment of a teacher. This Chairman remarked that the committee had recommended that Miss Smith, of the Factory Lane School, Doncaster and Miss McLaren of Durham had been mentioned. They had since seen Miss Dyer and it was resolved to ask Miss Smith. She had accepted the appointment, and would commence on April 15 at the maximum salary of £60 per annum.

It was resolved that Miss Smith be appointed.

Clerk´s Extra work.

This the Chairman said the next business was a notice of motion, which was given a previous meeting, and that was to pay the clerk. This £10 for the extra work which he had done in regard to the new schools, the sum to be paid out of the loan account. He thought Mr Marsh was not there, but at that meeting Mr Robinson moved that the clerk´s salary should be raised £10 per annum, but the motion was lost.

In regard to his motion the clerk and done in a lot of extra work, but had not been paid for it. His motion was that the clerk should be paid £10 for his extra work out of the loan account. They thought that they had plenty of money in the loan account. There have been a lot of more meetings and the clerk had conducted them in a very efficient manner, more efficiently than he had seen since he had been a member of the board. They could congratulate the clerk in the way he had done his work. The members were all very well satisfied. Extra labour had arisen in connection with a new school; a great deal of correspondence and also to be gone through and figures.

With regard to the loan and to the plans of the new schools, conferring with the architect, letters to the Education Department with reference to the plans; again, with the ratepayers and the agitators outside. This all meant extra work, which the Board had got done for nothing. One letter alone which the clerk sent to the Education Department in regard to putting before the Board their position, that alone was worth one half the £10, which they would have had to pay a legal adviser other than their clerk. He thought he could not add anything to what he had said. He did not agree of at present permanently increasing the clerk’s salary, seeing that he had not been with them one year; but he thought that he should receive something for the extra work done.

He had very great pleasure in moving the resolution. Mr Robinson, seconded. Mr Bruce said he had great pleasure in supporting it. Mr Marsh said that the mistake was on the Bard sparked in appointing the clerk at saw smaller salary, but he was not certain that they were right in obtaining the money out of the loan account.

The chairman said he thought it was alright. They had had some evidence recently before the auditor.

Mr Brocklesby: You have some doubt about it Mr Marsh?

Mr Marsh: I am not satisfy, but I am willing to risk it.

The resolution was carried.

The Clerk, in reply, said that he was grateful to the members of the Board. It was a pleasure to him to come to the meetings.

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