Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 13 November 1931
Conisborough U.D.C.
Rota System of Employment Unworkable.
No Economy Yet.
It was announced at the monthly meeting of the Conisborough Urban Council on Wednesday, Mr. G. A. Chadfield presiding, that the Council had considered the rota system put forward by the unemployed of the district as a means of ameliorating their position, and had decided that it could not at present be applied.
The Chairman said they could not apply, the rota system without throwing some of their men out of work, increasing expenses and doing injustice.
The Clerk (Mr. Spencer Baker) reported that the Surveyor bad stated that he could not see how the rota system could be applied to the regular staff. The positions of scavengers, for instance, could hardly be filled by ordinary unemployed men, and there were eight men entitled to benefit under the superannuation scheme who would fall out of benefit if they were temporarily suspended. The amount of work found for the unemployed would not enable them to get sufficient stamps on their cards to keep them in benefit. The number of men who had been employed on the Memorial Park scheme for an average of four to five weeks each, was 77, and there was a possibility of employing in the future a further 70 men on schemes which the Council had in view. Where practicable the rota system would be applied in these schemes of work whether they were sanctioned by the Unemployment Grants Committee or not.
Flood Fund.
Mr. G. Brocklesby, the accountant, who acting as treasurer for the Conisboro’ Floods Distress Fund, reported that he had received subscriptions amounting to £14 10s. They had received subscriptions from Rotherham and Sheffield. Personal appeals were being issued to the people of Conisboro’.
The Chairman presented parchments to four Denaby men, Edward Riley, Frank Cousins, Walter Rose, and Colin Collindridge, for the part played by them in rescuing an aged couple from a fire at Dennhy in 1928. The parchments bore the inscription, “In recognition of the courage, coolness, and resource displayed in connection with the extinguishing a fire at 78, Balby Street, Denaby Main, on the 12th July, 1928 and were signed by the chairman and members of the Connell.
Pressing For Economy.
Mr. J. I. Webster again raised the question of economies, and urged that the minute referring the consideration of this matter to the December meeting be rescinded. By economy be did not mean just chopping a little off the salaries of the officials. He wanted economy in many other directions. He did not think they were tackling the housing question in the right way. He moved that the matter be re-opened, so that they could gave money somewhere. He wanted to see a committee functioning, that they could get to know something definite about the staff’s work.
Mr. H. W. Gillott, seconding, said he raised this matter three times before this “national appeal for economy” arose.
Mr. Ben Roberts said he thought the matter ought to stand over until December. If the committee referred to could do any good he had nothing against its sitting.
Mr. Webster’s motion was lost by seven votes to three.
The Clerk suggested that the sub-committee might be called before the December meeting, so that it would be in a position to report when the Council met, and it was decided that the committee meet on Nov. 24th. The committee consists of Messrs. Gillett, Collins Roberts, J. I. Webster, and Drabble, with the Clerk and Surveyor.
Polling Jobs.
Mr. Gillott moved that no full-time official of the Council be allowed to hold a position of the polling booths from which he would receive extra remuneration while other people had greater need of the money.
Mr. H. Gomersall seconded, saying that he thought the old custom of employing teachers and men of that description was out of date. They should consider the needs of the unemployed in this matter. As a Council they were to be complimented on the fact that in the March election 14 of the 20 men employed on polling duties were from the ranks of the unemployed.
Mr. J. I. Webster urged that a protest be sent to the Deputy Returning Officer on the use of Morley Place School as three separate polling stations. Such ridiculous waste of money was unnecessary.
The Clerk asked if Mr. Giliott’s resolution referred to Parliamentary, Urban Council, and County Council elections, and remarked. “It is difficult to get on in regard to the local elections without any the officials.”
Mr. Gillott: When I said none I meant none, but when I said no full-time official of the Council I did net include you.
Mr. Gillott’s resolution was carried, and It was decided to send a letter to the Deputy Returning Officer on the lines suggested by Mr, Webster.
Mr. A. J. Cook
On the motion of Mr. Ben Roberts it was agreed that a letter of sympathy be sent to the wife of the late Mr. A. J. Cook.
Armistice Tribute.
Mr. John Webster he would like to move that the Council observe a short period of silence as it was Armistice Day. The Council were agreed, and the Chairman asked all present to stand, and a short period of silence was observed.
Arrears of Rates.
The question of arrears of rates was brought forward by Mr. Roberts, who said that if people could not pay quarterly they should pay weekly. He did not see why people who owned property should be privileged to avoid paying rates while people who were on parish relief had to pay them, The injustice of wiping of debts for some people and forcing others to pay should be stopped.
Mr. John Webster, who supported, also moved that in future the Council remit no rates. Cases for the remission of rates should be referred to the Public Assistance Committee.
The Clerk: If you left it to the accountant to investigate he would probably apply to the relieving officer.
Mr. Brocklesby: This has arisen out of some cases which have come forward periodically for excusal. These are cases of special hardship, but I think I am right in stating that the point Mr. Webster wishes to make is that if, in any eases remission has been made, it must not be taken as a precedent. There are undoubtedly one or two cases where excusal has had to be made in the past, but cannot justifiably be made in the future. The Council have the right of writing of rates that are irrecoverable. Some people are in a position where it is impossible to pay.
A North Cliff Nuisance.
The riding of cycles on the paths of the North Cliff pleasure ground was again the basis of a complaint, and Mr. Gomersall, who has raised the question on previous occasions, asked when something was going to be done about this nuisance. Cycles, motor cycles, and even horses were being driven along these paths. “In the interests of the public we should see that these paths are preserved for pedestrians.”
It was decided that the next offender caught should be prosecuted.
Happy Memories.
In reply to a letter from the Council thanking him for his work on the Education Sub-Committee, Canon Leteux wrote thanking the members for their kindness, stating that it had been a great pleasure and a labour of love to work for the children. He was treated with such kindness that his stay in Denaby would always be one of his most pleasing memories.
Support From Mexboro’.
The Clerk read a letter from the Mexboro’ Urban Council intimating that they were in agreement with the Conisboro’ Council’s resolution concerning the abolition of mining royalties.
Postal Services.
The Postmaster-General wrote in response to complaints about the local postal service saying that from Oct. 14th later collections had been instituted at 8-10 and 7-45 p.m. at Conisboro’ and Denaby respectively. The facilities at Conisboro’ and Denaby compared favourably with those in similar ideas and were considered adequate.
The branch library at Denaby Main we yesterday opened for registration purposes and books will be issued on Thursday.
The Council are to apply to the Ministry of Health for sanction to borrow £16,000 for the purpose of making up streets in Denaby Main. The scheme has been approved by the Unemployment Grants Committee and the Ministry of Health.
The tender of Greathead Bros at £63 5s for wooden fencing for the Memorial Park has been accepted.
A purification plant is to be installed in the Denaby Main swimming baths.
An application by Mr. Frank Lane for the use of the Baths ball for the boxing bouts has been granted.
The Connell decided to send a letter of sympathy to the family of Mr. R. Troughton, who was for many years a member of the local Education Sub-Committee