Mexborough & Swinton Times, April 29th
Conisborough Urban Council
Mr. J. H. Brocklesby Elected Chairman.
Denaby´s “unearthly Noises.”
The annual meeting of the Conisborough Urban council was held on Wednesday evening
Mr. H. Hulley moved and Mr. Wells seconded. The re-election of Mr. H. C. Harrison as Chairman of the Council.
Mr. S. C. Urch moved and Mr. J. Shelton seconded that Mr. J. Brocklesby be appointed Chairman
Mr W. Norwood said he had been well satisfied with the way Mr. H. C. Harrison had conducted the meetings but he did not believe in continued appointments. He thought the office should go round. Mr. J. Brocklesby was the senior member, both in parochial work and in knowledge of township affairs.
A vote was taken. Mr. Brocklesby receiving six and Mr. Harrison four.
Mr. H. C. Harrison congratulated the new chairman on his election. And said he would have as much pleasure in sitting under him as a councillor as he had whilst he had been chairman. He had tried to keep the balance even whilst he was chairman. He had hoped Mr. Brocklesby would try to do the same. He hoped his period of service would be as happy as his (Mr. Harrison´s) had been and that he would have the same loyal co-operation as he had had (hear, hear).
The Chairman thanked the council for his election. He only hoped that they would be able to work as amicably and efficiently as during the year that had passed. It had been a year of anxiety and very great responsibility. Necessarily for them as being a newly appointed authority.
If he had a word to say to them at all it was that they should be exceedingly careful in the way which they spent their money. He did not say that things necessary to be done should be avoided. They wanted efficacy in everything but the word efficacy often covered a multitude of sins His mind had been getting exercised in the regard to the rate just laid. Which was an increase of 1s. 2d. in the £.
That seemed to him to be a serious increase at any time, but especially under the conditions they found today, and it seemed to him to be necessary for them to fix their eyes more steadfastly towards a policy of economy.
The imperial burdens, as well as the local taxation, were exceedingly heavy , and it was necessary to avoid anything in the nature of lavish treatment of anything that came before them. He hoped the committees would take note of his point in regard to the spending of money not required.
Manual Workers Wage Reduction
The Clerk reported that in accordance with a letter received from the Joint Industrial Council the wages of the manual workers would be again reduced from the first pay day in May by one penny per hour, making a total reduction during the last twelve months of 5d per hour.
“Unearthly Noises” At Denaby.
Mr. A. E. Berry raised the question of nuisances at Denaby Main, where, he said, there were unearthly noises. It was a sheer impossibility for a man who worked nights to sleep during the day unless he drugged himself. Denaby was becoming dumping heap for Rotherham, and all classes of goods were being dumped on them, including fish heads and corners of beef.
They could not make Denaby into a beautiful place, but they could alter that sort of thing. Had they any legal method of altering that state of affairs? It was becoming a nuisance, and, with the summer coming on, God knew what it would be like then. Hawkers went round Denaby shouting their wares. And he thought they should be asked to modify their voices. For their shouting was not meant for ordinary ears.
Mr. Urch said he could support Mr. Berry, for he was one of the sufferers. Not only during the day, but also at night there were noises which prevented people from sleeping. He had no objection to the people coming to sell their goods, but he had an objection to being wakened from his sleep by them. The Chairmen said he thought the whole Council would realise that is was nuisance, but how could they deal with it?
Mr. Urch asked if they could not get an injunction against the offenders.
The Chairman said he was not quite sure if it was one individual persistently proving a nuisance, he thought they could possibly do so but in that case it was a matter of several offenders.
The matter was referred to the sanitary committee to see what action could be taken to stop the nuisance .