Conisborough’s Hard Water – Proposals by the Colliery Company.

January 1909

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 05 January 1909

Conisborough’s Hard Water.

Proposals by the Colliery Company.

When the Parish Council met last night, one of the members, Mr. H. L. Smethurst who holds the position of architect the Denaby and Main Collieries, Limited, brought forward an important proposal with reference the water supply.

Mr. Smethurst said analysis had proved that the water supplied to Conisborough was good, but very hard. The colliery company were proposing put down softening plant.

This Estimates had been obtained, and the capital cost of the plant would be £3,000. At present the company were pumping 480,000 gallons of water per day. The process of softening would cost 1d. per thousand gallons, which worked out at £2 per day and £730 per annum. Conisborough consumed 24,000,000 gallons of water per year, and paid £6OO per annum for the supply.

The colliery company were desirous of ascertaining the views of the Council concerning the suggested scheme. The company were prepared to forward with the scheme on the consideration that the annual amount payable by the parish for its water supply should be increased from £6OO to £7OO.

The Chairman (Mr. W. W. Norwood) said he personally was in favour the scheme. The Parish Council had power in the matter, but he would move that they request the Doncaster Rural Council, which was the responsible authority, to give their very careful consideration to the proposals of the colliery company.

The motion was carried.