Conisborough’s Urban Ambition.

January 1920

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Friday 02 January 1920

Conisborough’s Urban Ambition.

It is reported, though unofficially, that the West Riding County Council are recommended to grant the Order applied for the Conisborough Parish Council, constituting the parish of Conisbro’ and parts of Denaby and Cadeby urban district.

The application was made at Conisbrough in November.

Conisbro’ has made previous attempts to gain urban powers and although the County Council has on previous occasions favoured the scheme, the old Local Government Board has turned deaf ear to the appeal from Conisbro’.

Inquiries made to-day at the Denabv and Cadeby Colliery Co.’s offices elicit that if the Council has made such recommendations the Company will appeal to the Ministry Health against the Order.