Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 06 June 1899
Conisbro’ and Urban Powers
Last night Councillor Holmes, chairman of the Conisborough Parish Council, made a statement in reference to the effort of that authority to secure extended powers of local self-government.
He said nothing had yet been officially received by them from the Local Government Board, but the Urban Powers Committee had be given an intimation by the County Council to the effect that what they had been contending for so long been disallowed, as a result of the appeal against a decision of the West Riding authority.
The council had been hoping soon to obtaining urban powers, but their exertions appeared futile.
There was nothing for it now but that they should make up their minds that they would have to exist some time longer as a Parish Council. Of course, they could not foresee how long that would be. At present, under the circumstances, he did not think it would be wise to say much on the matter.
They were awaiting the text of the order from the Local Government Board which might throw some light on the situation. If the order pointed out why the decision of the County Council was upset, they would have something to work upon.
The matter at present seemed a complete mystery, as far as the Parish Council was concerned. Although the result was naturally disappointing to the people of Conisbro’, he could say they were in good heart; he did not think, after the first surprise, that the spirits of. the people were dampened much.
Probably in the future, the question would be again taken up vigorously, perhaps even more zealously than before He trusted that in the meantime the members of the council would attend well to their public duties. He had felt that there had been a little indifference for some time past and that, was doubtless due to the expectation they would soon be possessing urban powers.
That however being out of the question for the present they must, as guardians of the welfare of the parish attend faithfully to the work lying before them and urge the Rural District Council to attend to certain pressing matters. One was the water question. The scarcity was perhaps, not So keenly felt just now as it might be later on in the season. That matter must be soon attended to.
There was also the question of the scavenging of the district, and other matters appertaining to the public health.
He also referred to the fact that two newly-elected members had not yet made the usual declaration, and asked whether the time allowed should be extended any longer.
Mr. Robinson said he fully endorsed what the chairman had stated.
lt was decided that the Clerk write Messrs. Brook and Ravenscroft informing them that the period in which they could sign the usual form as members had been extended to the next meeting.
It was decided to issue a precept on the overseers at 1d in the £, to realise £100