Conisbro’ Council Reply To Critics – Purchase of £1,500 Angle Dozer is “Folly “

May 1951

South Yorkshire Times, May 19th 1951

Conisbro’ Council Reply To Critics

Purchase of £1,500 Angle Dozer is Folly “

The debate was “For” and “Against” in Conisbrough Urban Council Chamber on Wednesday, when the Councils decision to purchase a small-type bulldozer at an estimated cost of f1,500 was defended—and attacked. Coun. E. Beeson described the proposed purchase as “folly.”

Explanations of the use to which the vehicle could be — in reclaiming land, the provision of playing fields and by hiring the angle dozer to neighbouring authorities—were given by Couns. R. H.Shephard, G. Cheshire and T. Davey.

Coun. Beeson said he did not agree with Coun. Shephard regarding the £1,500 and having finished at that. He was concerned about the cost of running the vehicle. The real expense would begin with the running costs and the very heavy costs would be ridiculous for a small authority of the description of Conisbrough. He felt they would have been wiser to have waited until they were a bigger authority.

Coun. Davey pointed out that four or five years ago it cost 50s. an hour to hire a bulldozer. The Council had in mind the question of hiring it out and it might help to pay for itself.

Coun. Cheshire said there had seen a fair amount of criticism against the scheme because people did not know the circumstances. He pointed out that the vehicle would be invaluable in dealing with tips, in connection with which they had legal obligations, and they had been advised that to fulfil work required at the Sheffield Road tip, would have cost more than the angle dozer.

“We are hoping, too, to see the day when the Craggs are going to be used to better advantage,” Coun, Cheshire said. They visualised the possibility of a paddling pool, a bowling green and tennis courts, perhaps, but they had got to make a surface.

The Council believed that they could transfer an employee from the tip to another department and save man-hours on the tip.

County Coun. B. Roberts, J.P., declared that the purchase of the angle dozer would be one of the best steps the Council had taken for a number of years.