Sheffield Independent – Friday 06 June 1890
Conisbro’ Gas Company.
The 22nd general meeting of the shareholders of this company was held on Wednesday, Mr. E. Crawshaw in the chair.
The statement of accounts to March 31st showed a balance of £272. 8a. 9d. on the year’s workings. The directors recommended a dividend of 5 per cent, to be paid on the 4th June, amounting to £172. 5s., leaving a balance of £261. 3s. 6d. to be carried forward.
The report stated that many new houses were being built, and that there was a further extension of building operations, which the directors hoped would lead to a larger consumption of gas, and if so a portion of the increased surplus in hand would be required for new mains, the renewal of old ones, to meet the increased cost of coal, and probably new purifiers would be required.