Conisbro’ Parish Council – The Urban Powers Question

August 1898

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 5, 1898

Conisbro’ Parish Council
The Urban Powers Question

The monthly meeting of the above Council was held on Monday evening, Mr. C. Holmes presiding. The members present were Messrs. W. W. Norwood,’ F. Ogley, T. W. Mosby, G. H. Singleton, S. Roebuck, G. H. Harrison, and D. Robinson.

Burial Board Business

Sitting as a Burial Board Committee, the Council passed accounts amounting to £8 2s.4d and also signed grants of rights for G. Simpson A Harrop, Mrs. Tennant, A. Whitebread and L. Smith.

The Pindars House         

The business of the Parish Council was then proceeded with.

The Clerk reported that, he had not yet given notice to- the occupant of the Pinder’s house. He thought the Council ought to take the responsibility of that.

The Chairman: The Council does take the responsibility; it is by their resolution.

The Clerk: I think the Council ought to draw up the notice for me to serve.

The Chairman: The Clerk is the officer who must act for the Council. I will move that the former resolution be adhered to.

This was seconded, and agreed to.

Repairs Of Footpaths.

The Clerk reported that he had taken no steps with reference to the repairs wanted to the footpaths and stiles across the parish. He thought perhaps as the Council was able to obtain Urban Powers they would wait until this before they dealt with the matter.

The Cbairman said it might be some time before they had urban powers in force, but as there was some -doubt about the enact position in this matter, it might be -advisable to let it slide for the present.—It was decided to adjourn the consideration of the matter sine die.

That Lawyers Bill

The Clerk ead a letter from Messrs. Saunders and Nicholson, of Wath, relating to their charges for preparing he lease of land for allotments from Mr. Wigfall, in which they stated that in the absence of any agreement to  the contrary the law said that the lessees should pay the costs of the lease. Their charges for preparing the lease of the land for allotments from r. Wigfall was £5 8s. And they had forwarded their Bill for the same to Mr. Wigfall, because they receive their instructions from him, but on the Council remitting the amount to Mr. Wigfall he would pa it to them.

Mr. Mosby: Is the amount the same it was last time they wrote ?

The Chairman: Yes, I think so.

Mr. Mosby: I thought perhaps there might be an extra 6/8 for that letter. (Laughter).

The Chairman: They Haven’t sent the Bill now, have they?

The Clerk: No, they say Mr. Wigfall has it.

The Chairmat : Has Mr. Wigfall ever sent the Bill 20’s?

Clerk: No.-

Mr.- Norwood: This seems an “as you were” kind of meeting, and I will move the letter lay on the table until we have some money to spare, at any rate.

The Chairman: We can’t; the bill has never been presented to us, and if we pay it without we shall have nothing to show the auditor.

It was decided to postpone payment of the account pending the presentation of the ‘bill to the Council.

Urban Powers

The Clerk read the following letter:

County Hall, Wakefield, July 18, 1898.

Dear Sir,

I am instructed to inform. you that the Committee of inquiry have reported in the West Riding County Council General Purposes Committee, that they have approved in principle of the proposal brought forward by the Conisborough Parish Council, so far as it relates to the two townships of Denaby and Conisborough, but that they suggest that only a small portion of the township of Cadeby should be included. The West Riding Surveyor will be prepared to meet the representatives of the authorities concerned, with a view to ascertaining a convenient boundary line, at an early date, and due notice of-any arrangement shall be given to yeti. I hope to be able to forward you a draft of the proposed order shortly.

Yours faithfully, W. Vibart Dixon,”

Mr. Norwood said a letter had been read from the County Surveyor, at the last meeting of the Doncaster Rural Sanitary Committee, stating that the County Surveyor would come to Conisborough on Friday morning next, at five minutes past eleven,  and asking the District Council to make arrangements for the authorities concerned to send representatives to meet him.

The expression of several members of the Council, including the Chairman, Mr. Scorah was that it was no bunsiness of the District Council to assist the County Council, and that they would not bother themselves in ‘the matter; and the Clerk was ultimately instructed to write to the County Council and inform them that the District Council were not having a meeting before that date (Friday), and consequently could not make arrangements. That was, of cause a mere subterfuge, because a meeting of the Sanitary Cominittee was in all respects equal to a meeting of the Council.

The fact of the matter was the District Council intended to throw all the obstacle the way of Conisborough they possibly could. (Hear hear.) He would, therefore, suggest that the clerk the instructed to write to the County Connell, informing them  that they had heard the County Surveyor was coming to Conisborough, and that they would be willing to meet him. He would move the adoption of that course.

Mr Norwood seconded, and this was agreed to.

Mr. Harrison thought somebody should be appointed to meet the County Surveyor; he would move Mr. Walker; J.P: and Mr..Brocklesby.

Mr. Mosby: I’ll move an amendment to that, that Mr. Norwood, Miss Ogley, and the Chairman be appointed to meet him.

Mr Harrison: With the other two?.

Mr Mosby: No, with nobody; we are the body who are responsible.

Mr Harrison: Still I wouldn’t ignore the Urban Powers Committee.

Mr Norwood: We might invite Mr Walker and Mr Brocklesby to meet the County Survey with us, but we can’t appoint them.

Mr Mosby: I have no objection to inviting them, but we can’t appoint them.

It was ultimately resolved that the Chairman, with Mrs Norwood and Ogley be appointed to meet the County Surveyor on behalf of the Council, and that Mrs G Walker, J.P. and J Brocklesby be invited to be present at the meeting.