Conisbro’ Parish Council

January 1899

Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 04 January 1899

Conisbro’ Parish Council

A monthly meeting of this council was held on Monday, when there were present Messrs. Holmes (in the chair), Mosby, Robinson, Norwood, Singleton, Harrison, Ogley, and Hirst.

At the preliminary pro-ceedings in connection with the Burial Committee the usual grant for burial was signed, as well as accounts to the amount of £11. 7s. 6d. It was agreed that Mr. Greathead have an additional tool shed at the cemetery. Complaints having been received concerning the lateness at which a certain undertaker at Mexboro’ attended at the cemetery in respect to funerals, the clerk was instructed to communicate with him with a view to the proper time being recognised.

As to the proposed recreation ground for Conisbro’, it was pointed out that the committee had not yet a report to present.

Mr. Norwood humorously suggested that the Christmas festivities had prevented the committee from doing what was desired, and the Chairman replied that a report might be expected at the next meeting.

The Clerk (Mr. Hawksworth) said he had had no reply from Mr. Wagstaffe, but he had to see him again, and would be able to report to the next meeting

Concerning the suggested recreation ground at New Conisbro’, a letter was read from Mr. George White, asking the council to define the ground required. The trustees were inclined to meet the wishes of the council, and he should be pleased to hear from the members as soon as possible.

Mr. Robinson said he thought this matter had nearly dropped.

Mr Singleton said he considered that the piece of land they had applied to the Montagu trustees for was very hilly.

lt was decided that an inspection be made at the Minnemoor.

A letter was read informing the council of the pro- posed abandonment of the contemplated railway from Woodhouse to Conisbro’.

Captain Jones presented the third annual report as to the fire brigade. There had been three fires during the year, and the services of the brigade had been prompt and efficient. Seven demonstrations had been attended, including one at Halifax. The captain gave the members a hearty invitation to visit the fire station and to inspect the appliances.

Mr. Robinson: I thought you were about to give us an invitation to supper. (Laughter.)

The Captain: That will come afterwards (Laughter.)

The Chairman said the council could certainly congratulate the brigade on the satisfactory way in which the work had been done. (Hear, hear.)

The captain had brought to the meeting a sample of the lamps proposed to be affixed to the fire engine, and he was authorised to purchase a pair at 30s. It was resolved that badges, at 9d. each, for the brigade be obtained from Mr Pettite, of Mexboro’.

A cheque for £14. Is., for firemen’s fees, was passed.

The Clerk, in reply to Mr. Moorwood, said he had not heard yet as to the date of tha Local Government Board inquiry concerning urban powers.