Conisbro’ School Board.

September 1898

Sheffield Independent – Thursday 01 September 1898

Conisbro’ School Board.

The monthly meeting was held last night. Mr. W. W. Norwood presiding.

The Chairman reported that he, with Mr. Pagdin, had seen the Board’s solicitors with reference two the agreement for the purchase a site for the new school in Station road, and were satisfied by him that the terms of the same were not prejudicial the Boards interest.

The Chairman reported as negotiations which had taken place with Mr. Drabble for the purchase of piece of land and shed adjoining the existing school premises for the purpose of enlarging the playground, and staled that the owner was unwilling to sell, but would let the School Board have the land if they would procure him a suitable site elsewhere.

The Clerk said Mr. rah had informed him that if he did sell he should want £5O for it.

lt was decided that the Chairman should have further interview with the owner of the land.

It was decided seal the agreement for the purchase of a site for a new school from Earl Yarborough.

A letter was read from Mr. T. Stacey resigning his membership of the Board, on the ground of ill-health,—lt was decided to accept his resignation, and to Clerk was instructed write expressing the sympathy of the Board.

Cheques for £197. 11s. Sid. were ordered to be signed in payment of salaries and accounts.