Sheffield Independent – Thursday 02 March 1899
Conisbro’ School Board.
A monthly meeting of this board was held Wednesday night, when there were present Messrs. W. W. Norwood (in the chair), D. Robinson, J. Pagden, J. Gillott, T. Ravenscroft, and T. Booth.
The Chairman said as to the agreement for the purchase of land from the Montague trustees, Mr. Booth and himself had been carefully through it, and they took exception to two or three things. They agreed to see Mr Dust on the previous Wednesday at the Local Government Board inquiry, but owing to the great excitement in reference to urban powers they forgot all about it. (Laughter.)
School Board matters went for the time being quite into oblivion. (Laughter.)
Mr. Booth had since been ill, and they have not been able to see any further to it.
He wrote Mr. Dust on Saturday, and pointed out what they took exception to. The result was that they had met Mr. Dust that day, and they were assured the agreement was quite right.
The attendance report showed that at the boys’ school at Conisbro’ the average was 87-5, girls 88, infants 74.
It was reported that the teaching staff at all the schools was now complete.
The board then consider plans for a new school.