Welcome to the Conisbrough and Denaby Main Local History Web Site Over 1,600 photographs and 3,900 Pages !!! Please click to see Our Growth and Plans for the Future The index on the left allows you to look at any of the 3,900 pages on our site. The items below are the latest additions with a link to the page or pages concerned.
The site is in continual development because of the rich history of both our villages. If you want to help or add information or articles or have any comment please email me at jamesbeachill@hotmail . com
Conisbrough & Denaby 100 Heroes
We are pleased to Announce that Revd Reg Davies has agreed to house the Tributes to the Conisbrough & Denaby 100 Heroes at Denaby All Saints Parish Church for ‘the duration’ Follow the links below to read the story and more about the Church and the Miner’s Chapel
Tributes on Display for ‘The Duration’
Tributes at Denaby All Saints Church (pictures)
Conisbrough & Denaby 100 We are launching Conisbrough & Denaby 100 at Conisbrough Library, on Saturday 19th July
Follow this link to see the enormity of the task
The Conisbrough & Denaby 100 Project ___________________________
To commemorate the part our area played in the Great War
100 years ago we are preparing tributes to 100 heroes whose graves are far flung in Belgium, France, Germany, Malta and Turkey.
The tributes will contain Photos, stories, the medals they won and other information we can find
We have asked Sarah Smith and her partner Craig to lay these tributes on the Graves of the men during the next 4 years and she has accepted the challenge .
Follow the progress on this site and on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/conisbrough100 and on Twitter @conisbrough100. This is a unique and massive challenge so Good luck Sarah !
Sarah Smith’s Story (pictures)
1964 – January Northcliffe WMC are through to the Mexborough Cup Final
and the Conisbrough Newsboy of the year receives his award from David Whitfield
Excavation work continues at the Castle
and the Ivanhoe Club welcome 100 pit accident victims
A new Audiovisual system helps pupils to learn French at Northcliffe
Denaby United continue their desperate season and lose key players as well
A youth is attacked at the Empress in Mexborough and an unprovoked attack sees a man sent to Jail
A Denaby man carries his son half a mile to hospital after a scalding
as plans for Hospital extensions at Crookhill Hall are turned down
01 – January
1881 – January to March With the arrival of 1881 Denaby Main is on strike as the Masters attempt to decrease wages again
Temperance Groups meet to debate Water v Alcohol
And a PC Wheels a drunk from Conisborough to Mexborough
The School board reduces staff and wages through the poor Economy
A 17 year old meets with a fatal accident at the Colliery
and a young labourer is beaten mercilessly by a Farmer
A miner runs amok at Denaby assaulting another miner and his wife
and another miner goes to prison for neglecting his family
A Library and Reading Room is donated by Denaby’s Lord of the Manor
and Conisbrough beat Swinton Albion by kicking a goal when their opponents don’t turn up!
Quarter 1 – January to March 1940 – December As the War rumbles on in Europe We hear of a Denaby man fighting in Norway
Two Brothers evacuated from Dunkirk
and the ‘Father of the Regiment’
The Spitfire fund brings a Nazi Plane to Conisborough
Another miner is killed after Shot Firing
and Denaby United are upset about their unbeaten record and are beaten for the first time the following week!
12 – December 1940 – October In October 1940 World War II was dominating the headlines
as news of another group of local people is revealed
there’s the extraordinary story of the Newsome family
whose father, four sons and daughterprovided a ‘small army’ of its own
A missing subm arine, bomb disposal expert, and soldiersas far afield as Iceland and India
are just some of the diverselocal people caught up in the conflict
and then there’s Denaby United who are demolishing their opposition
with centre forward Ardron scoring 10 goals in just 2 games!
10 – October
1940 – September While England was in the throes of the Battle of Britain
ConisboroughHome Guard carried out an ambitious exercise against 100 paratroopers
There were consistent messages from the Front that the men were liking the life whilst news of prisoners and casualties told the other side
Another miner dies when he is trapped in a steel door
And a man is committed for trial after a brawl with his father
Denaby United begin their season with a great winand Denaby C.C . complete a successful season
and a new Minister, a golden wedding and a exam result reach the news
And there’s a story and a picture of mi dad !
09 – September
July 1901
July 1901 provides us with another fascinating glimpse of life in our area 110 years ago
We are told more of the rich history of the Conisborough Manor with stories and pictures of two Ladies of the Aristocracy
There are wholescale changes at the School Board
after the triennial elections and the retiring Board debate the Treatment of Truants
More soldiers return from the South African war
and are given heroes receptions
The Conisborough Hospital Sunday is a success with many speeches from local dignitaries
and Denaby & Cadeby CC are top of the Mexborough League
Fights dealt with at the local courts include the “Grate Fite” at Denaby and there are more thefts, pit accidents and a drowning
as we are told of Typhoid, the water crisis and the ‘lovely stink’ of the rivers
June 1901
We show the first published Photograph as Conisborough’s Yeoman returns from South Africa
Then there’s the Denaby miner who receives his medals for the Historic Red River Expedition
The School Board debates overcrowding, the new schoolsand the Blind Boy again
You can see what its like down Cadeby Colliery at the turn of the centurywhen the Forrestersvisit
A potentially tragic suicide is averted while a miner seeks refuge from his wife and children in a peculiar Denaby household
A Denaby footballer avoids a serious charge from a young girl and Denaby and Cadeby Unitedlead the Mexborough League
and we heard how ‘Kip’ won a pint of beer by running from Doncaster to Mexborough !
May 1901
The scarcity of Water is still a major topic in May 1901 and Court cases resolve a serious charge against a Welshman and a heartless bigamy
A miner is up in court for the 65th time, there’s birch for Conisborough Boys
A new hospital for infectious diseases is to be built and Denaby C.C. open their new ground
and there’s more fights and even wrestling and the story of when a Denaby man went to Madame Tussauds !
1940 – August to June August 1940
As the war continues in August 1940 there is a frantic search for a missing 4 year old
A Conisborough man is rescued from the torpedoed ship ‘Accra’ and aDenaby man is killed when he thought an oncoming car was a bus
Reported Missing is a Great War veteran from Denaby
We hear of the 3 Burdett brothers from Denaby who were serving
There’s hope of football returning to Denaby
and Popular Septuagenarians are wed at Conisborough
08 – August July
In July 1940 we hear more stories of the lost and missing as 19, 20 and 21 year olds go missing in France
More and more stories of families include the Jones family from Tickhill Street who have 3 sons and a grandson serving
With food a sensitive issue a woman forgets to hand in her ration book coupons and is summoned on 4 counts
Conisborough’s Wesleyan Minister, with a lively interest in the Scout movement leaves for a position in Lincolnshire
The Church is packed after the Civic Sunday parade
07 – July
As Britain retreats from Dunkirk we hear of the casualties and escapes
The papers are full of the local men at the front
A Conisbrough man joins the Scots Guards another is a Stoker in the ‘Renown’ and, a Butcher becomes an Airman with many more fascinating stories of our local heroes
Thena miner goes to prison for ‘Mottying’ Youths jump from the Cadeby Pit Cage
and changes through ‘War Measures’ means that work will continue despite deaths at the coal face! 06 – June
1940 – May
In May 1940 the first news of soldier casualties drifts into the district
and Food Control Red Tape produces concern at the Council meeting
The Sickle Works are featured on the BBC’s Northern Notebook Long Service Awards are presented to to S.J.A.B. workers
and a ” Hardy” Hero is welcomed back to Denaby,
while a Yorkshire Soldier condemns the Nazis as poor fighters 05 – May
1940, April In April 1940 another score of local men go to war,
An M.P. answers questions about a C.O.,
A man is sued for working a horse with a bad leg
A former StationRoad Headmaster passes away
and sport struggles to keep going
04 – April
1901 – November The ‘News of the World’ must have been at Conisborough & Denaby in November 1901 when it created its slogan ‘All human life is here!’ The Council’ are investigating Explosives in graveyards and Boreholes, New Houses, Refuse Tip and Footpaths
A shortsighted young girl walks into the canal and more deaths are reported through a domestic burning and at the Colliery
A Denaby ruffian creates havoc in Doncaster and a man is brought before the magistrates for the 65th time
Gamblers and a schoolboy aresummoned for damaging fences and there’s fines and the birch for Potato and trouserthefts , removing infected pigs and cruelty to Ponies
and don’t miss the Tripe Supper and Grand Social Evening with atmospheric Songs; Mary of Argyll, Deathless Army and The Village Blacksmith
and the recitation ‘Since our Angelina joined a cooking class’
include to recreate the lives of our Ancestors in 1901
11 – November
1882 – Quarter 1
As 1882 begins we are told of the Entertainment at Teas
for the Scripture Classes and Parish Church
The Denaby Colliery Manager lectures on the Healthiness of Coal Mining
Conisborough Farmers attack their servants
and the Pit Corporal is attacked by Pony Drivers
we hear about Drunks, Hell Fir e and Followers of Bacchus
and a Married woman is ‘Lost’ at Conisborough
Ayouth is sent to theQuarterSessionsovera rabbit with a crippled foot
and the case of the 8 missing sheep reaches its conclusion at the Assizes
Quarter 1 – January to March
1964 – July 50 Years ago three boys decided to write a book about the Great Wars
Allotment Holders and the council declare War on Rabbits
We hear of heroic rescues from the River and Rubble
As Denaby houses are being demolished and C onisbrough embarks on a building programme
Under 18 drinking and Father’s Day come under attack
and we find where most of Denaby were on holiday
Denaby and Cadeby get off to a good start
and Denaby United announce a new Secretary Manager
and we visit Sports Days and Fairs
1941 – January
As the War enters its Second year Canon Eddershaw’s Message Tells the severe position England was in at that time
To be met with defiance and determination echoed by the Home Guard
The Weslyan Church holds a Xmas Party for 130 Evacuee Children and we hear more stories from soldiers at the front
The Spitfire fund passes the £1,000 mark helped by a successful Messerschmitt 109 exhibition at the Station Hotel There’s a Fatal Accident as Lorries collide And a man commits suicide at the Butterbusk crossing
01 – January
1924 – April
In April 1924 another Miner dies at Cadeby Colliery
An Engineer with cancer commits suicide
We see the Results and Pictures of the New Councillors
and read of Denaby & Conisborough Cricket Prospects for the season
Denaby United’s season which promised much fades away at the finish
and we have a picture of the Champion Reresby Arms Football team
04 – April
1901 – October In October 1901 Neighbours fight at Conisborough Turnips and Fences are damaged
Boy thieves are caught and given the birch
A bookmaker is in trouble as he gives a woman money and a child and she buys the wedding dress !
Denaby Co op pay a ‘divi’ of 22.5p in the £
There’s Persistent Cruelty and Neglectful Father cases and a Conisborough Confectioner gets into Lozenge trouble at Mexborough market
10 – October
1881 – Quarter 4 As 1881 draws to a close we read a story of an Outrage on a young girl at Denaby
And follow the Prisoner to York Assizes andthe verdict
A Farmer at Clifton is fined for his stray cattle
and there’s the incredible story of 8 sheep stolen – twice!
Conisborough Parish Church is decorated for the Harvest Festival
and the Weslyan Methodists raise money for Furniture
Another Miners dies at the Collery
And there’s more violence in Conisborough and Mexborough
Quarter 4 – October to December
1964 – June
In June 1964 Northcliffe held their first musical to acclaim
Conisbrough has a swimming champion
and Barry Breedon bring Glamour to Ivanhoe cycling
Pigeon thefts hit Denaby fanciers
there’s a date for the new Denaby Library
the Rocks between Denaby and old Denaby are liquidated
The ‘Paddy Wagon’ hero is recognised
and the vicar lectures on hooliganism and ‘making whoopee’ parenthood
06 – June
1924 – January to March In the first quarter of 1924 Denaby United was enjoying probably it’s best ever run of success
And this was against such clubs as Mansfield Town, York City and Scunthorpe United, modern day Football League Clubs
Denaby and Conisborough Cricket clubs hold their AGM and dances
The oldest resident George Appleyard passes away
and after 33 years a Conisborough headmaster retires to acclaim
A new Colliery secretary is appointed
and the police catch a Henroost robber by smart detective work
1964 – May
50 Years ago this month Boxing was making the headlines
As Tommy Joyce won the National Junior Title at the Albert Hall
Denaby United sack their manager and they finish bottom of the Midland League
Barry Breedon reaches another final for Conisbrough Ivanhoe
and there’s a Soap Box Derby on Conisbrough Crags
There’s a New Trophy for the popular Whit Walk
and the Whitsuntide Sunday School and St John’s Ambulance Processions take place
A jockey has weight problems and a man wins a prize for his model roundabout
and the tragic events leading to the death of a schoolgirl are revealed
05 – May
1901 – September In September 1901 we get a glimpse of Saturday night at Conisborough station
and we hear of a Neighbours Fight at New Conisborough
Breaches of rules happen at the Collieries
whilst breakage of the fan shaft doesn’t stop the Colliery workings
and another fatal accident to an 18 year old in his first month at the pit
The discontent over the non payment for ‘bag dirt’ rumbles on
and a revolver and rope are stolen
Denaby C.C. are champions in their first season in the Mexborough League
and a new Organ and the Harvest are celebrated at Denaby
09 – September
1881 – July to September We visit the different world that was Conisborough & Denaby in 1881
People were prosecuted for damaging ‘growing grass’ and ‘mown grass’ and gooseberry trees and stealing apples and pearsfrom orchards
Aman is sent to prison for 3 months for digging up potatoes and eating strawberries
Denaby miners ‘take the village (Conisborough) by storm’
and Conisborough Glassblowers are in the courts for riotous beahaviour
The contents of the Castle Inn , over 200 items, are listed for Sale
and growing grass is also for Sale
Two more miners meet their deaths at the Colliery
and the young Pony Driver’s dispute stops the Pit working
Quarter 3 – July to September
1964 – April 50 Years ago this month a ‘Beatle’ Hat was found down Cadeby Pit
A Conisbrough Naturalist was going to Iceland
and former residents returned from Canada and New York
A link to the past is lost when St Chad’s is demolished
Denaby United remain rooted to the bottom of the Midland League
although a 2-9 score ‘wasn’t one sided’
Conisbrough C.C. open their new Pavilion
and Ivanhoe are winning again
04 – April
1964 – March In March 1964 Denaby United were still trying to get financial support Whilst lying at the bottom of the Midland League
Conisbrough C.C. have great hopes of success in the Doncaster League
Alderman Roberts, William Henry Thomas and others were retiring
and we hear stories from Hong Kong and Swaziland
and there’s more Weddings, Presentations and Dances
1923 – December As 1923 draws to a close we witness Christmas in Denaby
The trials of the Motor Accident in Conisborough reach their conclusion
and another accident takes the life of a teenage Cyclist on Sheffield Road
A sudden death brings tributes to a young Cadeby mining official
and Ca ptain Reynolds tries to convert the Miners of Denaby
A robbery at Denaby reveals a sea cook’s life of crime
and Denaby United enjoy an unbeaten December
despite selling another player , this time to Birmingham City
12 – December
1901 – August In August 1901 there were many stories of small crimes
An Apple stealer was prosecuted and unruly youths were fined for bouncing balls and swimming
Lodgers in Denaby houses were involved with their landladies
and train passengers were prosecuted for non payment of fares and jumping from the train
and the usual quarrels and assaults
A man attempts suicide in Conisborough because he lost his money (which was in his vest)
A shunter is run over and killed at Denaby
and the miners consider strike action because of non payment for ‘Bag Dirt’
and Denaby C.C . vie for the League Championship
08 – August
1881 – April to June In the second Quarter of 1881 the main headlines were caused by the Police visiting every public house in Conisborough in the ‘GoodFriday’ raids
A cowkeeper makes a murderous assault on a farmer
A Denaby lad is bullied because he refused to sing
Two young girls meet their death through drowning through lost love
there’s riots and a pay reduction at the Colliery
and a serious charge against a Collier
whilst Kilner’s win another order of merit
There’s touble with Traction Engines and a Pony
Denaby C.C. are unbeatable
and Denaby Library is open every neet
Quarter 2 – April to June
1923 – November In November 1923 there are big Changes at the Denaby & Cadeby Collieries
As W H Chambers and Mr Buckingham Pope retire and new Management take over
The new owners ask for more Capital and show us the Profits and Particulars
anda new Headgear is installed
2,700 watch a battle between Denaby & Frickley and we see a team picture
and Aubrey Scrivens joins Birmingham City
Labour MP Tom Williams visits the villages
and Tubercular relief is discussed
along with bellringers, footpaths, water supply and the Poor Rate
11 – November
1964 – February In February 1964 Conisbrough Northcliffe School was preparing its students in a practical manner
There were Girl Guide and Rangers events at the Methodist Church and Bath’s Hall
Denaby & Conisbrough boxers were making the headlines
while a Denaby Snooker man reached the Yorkshire final
An intruder attacked a young Conisbrough girl on the Windmill Estate
and there’s a fire in Conanby
A Conisbrough Lorry crashes through Crossing Gates
and we hear about a Conisbrough family who’s craze is collecting
We have stories and Photos from the Tom Hill Pantomime
andthere’s the story of an historic camera for a shilling (5p)
02 – February
1923 – October In October 1923 Scarlet Fever was prevalent in all Wards of Conisborough & Denaby
The Urban District Council debated this and Water & Electricity and Rates and a New Cemetery for Denaby
and the provision of a motor car for their surveyor
The Labour Leader George Lansbury led a Rally at the Large Hall in Denaby
and there was a new Labour J.P. in the village
Schools, Nursing and the Water distribution are debated
and the Sheffield butcher is committed for trial for Manslau ghter
and Un ited beat Mexborough in the Cup
10 – October
1923 – September September 1923 sees Denaby United playing exciting, attacking football
scoring 9 in the cup against Selby, and 7 against Chesterfield Reserves
Further success against the ‘Nuts’ of Scunthorpe sees the crowd turn ugly against the players
A Denaby doctor is censured for issuing Doctor’s certificates
and we hear of a ‘deserted woman’ bringing up 9 children on £1.50 a week
whilst a Conisborough husband is sentenced to 2 months for attacking his wife
A miner is killed on Sheffield Road by an overtaking motor car
and there’s headlines at hockey and cricket
09 – September
1923 – August In August 1923 an unknown man found in the canal was double identified A potential suicide was rescued from the canal and returned to the workhouse
A boy is knocked down and killed by a van travelling at 8 miles per hour
Mexborougfh shudders at Denaby’s scavenging proposals on Strafforth sands
Management and men at the Collieries reach agreement on working practice when fatalities occur
and we have pen pictures and photo’s of Denaby greats – Bill Narraway, George Worhington and Luther Robinson
08 – August
1923 – July The deaths of 2 more miners in July 1923emphasises the dangerous working conditions in the Pits
An ancient Conisborough custom of ‘Beating the Bounds’ is explained in detail
1900 Middens in Consborough & Denaby are being converted
The Denaby Welfare scheme is underway
while delegates are sent to report on Pit Head Baths July
1923 – April to June In the second quarter of 1923 the Family of the “Little Hero” suffer another drowning
The medical report paints a story of the births and deaths in the area
A Denaby Boy is killed at the mine , another miner drowns and a young girl dies from burns
The Denaby inventor is awarded prizes for his runaway wagon invention
A Conisborough man returns with graphic stories of the famine in Russia
Cardinal Bourne visits St Albans and we hear of a successful Denaby May parade
The Denaby & Cadeby cricket tour is successful but the side stutters in the early season
Denaby Untied reflect on an excellent season , with ‘plain talking’ about their support
Thirty more fascinating stories from the 1920’s Quarter 2 – April to June
1903 – Week 2 – The Evictions
The second week of 1903 brought the evictions to Denaby Main as 750 families were ejected from their homes
in the middle of winter and with theeyes of England watching
The Newspapers covered this story in detail with artists and the new breed of Photographers
The Mexborough & Swinton Timesfollowed the events with over 12,000 words written
In all it makes an enthralling story about a major industial conflict
We also show photographs and sketches not previously published:
Week 2 – January 9th
1903 – Week 1
In preparing the forward work for the Web Site I came to 1903.
1903was in the early days of photography with only photographs of very important people shown in newspapers
The events of 1903 in Denaby Main not only captured the interest of the nation but produced almost 30 published photographs of the events
To do this full justice we will try and publish weekly the events of 1903 and begin with January 2nd …..
This was the 27th Week of the ‘Bag Muck’ Strike and the owners gave their final ultimatum
With ejectment orders their weapon
The miners put out an a appeal for canvas
There’s an incredible meal for 1500 children
and we hear the story of the 1885 strike and evictions
Week 1 – January 2nd
1963 – Reprise and Stories
Please click on the Link Below and you will access a full reprise of 1963 and links to each of the 220 pages that are shown for the year
1880 – Reprise and Stories
Please click on the Link Below and you will access a full reprise of 1880 and links to each of the90 stories that are shown for the year
I have a couple of books which may be of interest to you – A Photographic Record of the Old Village of Denaby Main, and An Illustrated Account of Conisbrough. They came into the charity shop where I am a volunteer but have no chance of selling so far out of the area. It seems such a shame to let them go to waste!
Do let me know if you would like them. I am happy to send them if you give me an address
Hi Jonet,
I would love to have them. Please send them to:
Jim Beachill
24 March Vale Rise
DN12 2EW
and I will make a contribution to the Charity – please advise
My name is Hugh Gallagher and my Father came from Ireland during the Second World War and worked with his father in the pits.I wondered if their may be any records of the miners who worked at Denaby Main during that period any help would be very much appreciated Hugh