Conisbrough Burial Board – Oh Dear !

December 1890

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 December 1890

Conisbrough Burial Board – Oh Dear !

Our friends on the other side of the border don’t seem to be fond of those stenographic scribblers. At the vestry meet at Conisbrough last week a ratepayer was bold enough to propose that in future the Burial Board meeting should be open for the reporters!

Oh dear! What presumption to break in upon the solemnity of such proceedings?

Up jumped one member, with exclamation, “Then you can accept my resignation at once, if that is done.”

Said the vicar, “I can quite sympathy with that expression of feeling, for it will look like a want of confidence in us.”

Because the public feeling to see what is being said and done by the only local authority they possess, it is “a want of confidence!” Because it is suggested that the periodical meetings of that august body should not take place in camera resignations are threatened!

Conservatism in some respect may be a good thing, but conservatism in other directions it must be deprecated. But it generally happens when anything “new” is proposed that there is keen opposition. Post natural I like to go on “as usual”; changes are considered omnious.