Conisborough Child’s Death – Search for a Doctor

January 1917

Conisborough Child’s Death
Search for a Doctor

An inquest was held on Monday at the Co-operative Hall Conisborough, by Mr Frank Allen, coroner, on Walter Button (eight), of Kemp´s yard.

Edward James Button, Carter, father of the deceased, said about five weeks ago the deceased was under treatment by Dr Forster. Dr McClure saw him about a month ago.

On Friday night deceased went to bed at about nine o’clock and was unwell. Witness went to bed about 10. He awakened at 1.45 on Saturday morning, and heard the diseased moaning. Witness went to him but deceased never spoke. Witness sent two of his children for Dr McClure; they came back after three quarters of an hour and said Dr McClure had told them to go to Dr Forster. Deceased died about 4:30 AM

Dr W.J.McClure said he first saw the child about a month ago, when Dr Forster was ill. He did not examine the child on his visit, his mother saying he was much better, and witness asked her to let him know if he got worse. Witness heard nothing more until knocked up on Saturday morning by the two children, who asked him to come to 10 Kemp’s Yard, to see a child who was ill. He asked them if a doctor had been attending, and they said Dr Forster had. He asked them to go and tell Dr Forster.

He had made an examination found the boy suffered from Ricketts severely; he had two septic sores on the head, and the glands were enlarged with absorption from the sores. There was evidence of bronchial pneumonia. The cause of death was Ricketts and Bronchial pneumonia. Witness could have done nothing if he had gone.

A Juror asked Dr McClure whether he would have attended the case if the children had returned to him after failing to arouse Dr Forster, and he replied that he certainly would have gone.

Elsie May Button (12), said her father sent her and her brother to Dr McClure to fetch him. He came to the window, and they asked him to come at once because their brother was seriously ill. He asked them to go to Dr Forster. They went home, and then to Dr Forster but could not rouse him. They then went home again. Deceased was not quite dead then. They would be away two hours.

A verdict of death from natural causes was returned, and the Foreman expressed the opinion that no blame attached to anyone in the matter.