Conisbrough Council to help Levelling Cricket Ground

January 1967

South Yorkshire Times January 14, 1967

Levelling Cricket Ground

Conisbrough Urban Council’s Parks and Burials Committee have agreed to help Conisbrough Cricket Club to level their ground.

Committee chairman, Coun. W. West, and the Councils Engineer and Surveyor have met a Cricket Club representative to discuss proposals for the ground. It was reported that the club intended filling and levelling an unused part of the existing field in order to provide a bowling green and tennis facilities.

This would involve bringing the ground up to the required level by means of the tipping of sewage sludge and covering over with topsoil.

The Engineer and Surveyor reported that it was normal for sewage sludge to be delivered free of charge but with regard to the provision of topsoil, transportation costs would be involved. Also required by the club would be the loan of a machine for the levelling of this ground on completion of the proposed tipping works and he estimated that the cost involved would be £90.

The committee recommended Wednesday’s meeting of the council that they should meet half the cost of the work involved.