Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 14 October 1892
Conisbrough Cricket Club – Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the club was field at the Red Lion Hotel on Wednesday, Mr. 0. Walker. J.P.. the president, being in the chair, and others present were—Messrs. R. H. Sharp, H. J. Sharp, J. Downing, W. W. Norwood, T. R. Booth, H. Booth, H. Marshall, F. Woodhouse , F. Ogley, junr., J. Appleyard, T. Shutt, H. Saville, W. Barlow, T. Fawn, S. F. Taylor, 0. Salmon. J. Gibson. J. Wood, A. Harrison, W. Downing, F. Downing, A. Fitzgeorge, W. Green, G. Briggs, A. Hulme, E. Keys, &c.
The secretary (Mr. W. W. Norwood) reported that since they met last year a great change had taken place in the club. Owing to the kindness of Mr. Walker, the help of the general public, and the great fact of the members helping themselves, a new ground had been made which, so far as it went, was unequalled by any other country ground in the district.
A portion of the field hail been railed off, and seats placed for the convenience of spectators. A spacious pavilion had been built, towards which Mr. Walker and kindly given the bricks. Mr. Shutt the carting, and Mr. Downing the lime, the labour remained to be paid for. A first class new mowing machine was bought, and the services of W.B. Yeadon were employed as groundsman during the season.
The number of members had increased from 38 last year to 110 this year, and owing to this large increase it had been decided by the committee to play two elevens next season, and they hoped the members would hold together and try to make the success of both elevens assured.
During the past season 33 matches had been played against other clubs. 9 were won, 9 were lost, and 15 were drawn.
Mr. S. Livesey had gained the prize of a bat. value £1 1s., given by Mr. H. J. Sharp for the best batting average in not less than eight matches. Mr. Livesey’s average was 12.7. Mr. 11. J. Sharp was second with an average of 10.37 runs per innings.
In the bowling department Mr. H. J. Sharp carried off the prize of wicket given by the club, he having taken 38 wkts for 227 runs, giving an average of 5.97 runs per wicket. Mr. S. Urch was second, having taken 42 wickets for 354 runs, or an average of 8.42 per wicket. Other bowlers had done as well, but they had not bowled in the required number of matches.
The committee had met on 33 occasions during the year, the attendances at which were— ex officio members, W. W. Norwood, 31, H. Marshall 29; J. Downing, 24: T. Shutt, 20 ;H. J. Sharp, 19 ; R. H. Sharp, 12; committee, F. Woodhouse, 29 ; G. Hargreaves, 15 ; T. R. Booth, 14; J. Wood, 11 ; J. Appleyard, 11; H. Booth 10. F. Ogley. jun. 8 ; H. Saville. 4; P. Quinlivan, 8; J.H. Watkinson, 3; H. Piper, 3; S. Urch, 2; and H. Earnshaw 0.
The balance sheet shewed—balance in hand, £18 16s. 9 ½ d; special fund for laying new ground. £30 0s. 6d ; proceeds of concert December 8th, £8 10s. 6d.; proceeds of ball on March 1st, £8 16s.; subscriptions. £14 9s. ; gate money, £4 14s. 5 ½ d.; bank interest, £1 0s. 11d.; total, £86 8s. 2d. The total expenditure was £76 15s. 7d., balance in hand. £9 14s. 7d.
It would be necessary to raise more money to pay for the pavilion building, the poets and rails setting, etc. Several who had promised subscriptions to the new ground had not yet paid, and others had not yet been asked. Mr. H. J. Sharp was getting up a concert for the first week in December, and Mr. Norwood would again arrange a ball about Christmas.
Mr. H. Booth proposed, and Mr F. Taylor seconded, that the report be adopted, and it was carried, all present expressing their approval.
A hearty vote of thanks to the president for his services and the generous manner in which he had assisted the club, was proposed by Messrs. R. H. Sharp and Marshall, and carried with loud applause.
The President thanked them, and said he was afraid be had been a defaulting cricketer, but his best wishes were always with the club. (Applause.)
Votes of thanks were also given to officers for their services.
The following were elected for the ensuing year:—President. Mr. G. Walker, J.P.; vice-presidents, Messrs. J. Downing. R. H. Sharp, G. T. Nicholson, J. Blythe, W. H. Chambers, and Dr. McCall; hon. secretary, Ma. W. W. Norwood ; treasurer, Mr. T. Shutt; captain 1st eleven. Mr. H. Marshall; vice-captain ditto, Mr. H. J. Sharp captain, 2nd eleven. Mr. Geo. Bateson; vicecaptain, Mr. A. Hulme; committee, Messrs. F. Woodhouse, G. Hargreaves, T. R. Booth, J. Wood. J. Appleyard, H. Booth. F. Daley, junior, A. Fitzgeorge and Geo. Briggs.
It was arranged give a bat value one guinea, for the best batting average in each team, for not less than eight matches, and a prize value half a guinea, for the bowler with the best average in each team, members to bowl in 5 matches, to be entitled to the prize. Subscriptions for the ensuing year was fixed at 3s. 6d. Mr. H. J. Sharp proposed, and Mr. Briggs seconded, that a resolution passed by the committee, to the effect that they should join the South Yorkshire League should he rescinded. An amendment by Messrs. Norwood and Shutt, that the resolution remain as it was, was lost, 12 members voting for, and 11 against.
A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded a successful meeting. The annual dinner will be held at the Red Lion, at 7 o’clock, on Tuesday, Mr. G. Walker, J.P., will preside.