Conisbrough Cricket club
Election of officers
The finances of the club
Arrangements for the coming season
The annual meeting of the Conisbrough Cricket and lawn tennis club was held on Tuesday evening at the Eagle and child, Conisbrough. The president of the club, Mr F Ogley was in the chair and the secretary, Mr Graham, was also present.
The secretary gave his report, and said that the past year was one of the best in the history of the club from a playing point of view. They had secured 25 points in the league compared with 17 the previous season. Financially it was to be regretted that there was a debit balance of £27 19s 5 1/2d. This was partially due to the fact that several matches were abandoned owing to the wretched weather. The refreshment booth had been closed for two months in the playing season, although £9 12s 4d had been made in profits.
Then on the top of this came the never to be forgotten calamity which took away from them their captain – one of the very best of men. This was undoubtedly the worst blow a club could possibly sustain. Would that they had more men like him! He was just the kind of man that sport was in need of . He was afraid that sport was saddled with too many whose thoughts were of how much they could get out of it instead of how much they can put into it.
The bowling green which had been promised them at the last meeting was now an accomplished fact several bills should be presented last year were held over to this, those making the finances of the year worse than they really were. Players fares had been paid this last season as an inducement for them to attend away matches
The averages for the last season were
First team
Batting Inns N.O. Runs Ave H.S.
F Butler 11 2 160 17.77 51*
Thos Milnes 14 4 148 14.80 45*
A.Ellis 8 1 64 9.14 36
Bowling Wkts Ave
Thos Milnes 50 4.86
F.Butler 23 7.47
H. Oilkinson 18 8.00
Second team
Batting Inns N.O. Runs Ave H.S.
W.Oxley 10 1 115 12.77 38
G Bateson 13 0 163 12.53 66
Hy Appleyard 7 0 74 10.57 17
Bowling Wkts Ave
H.Wilkinson 15 5.06
H.Appleyard 18 6.55
G.Bateson 15 8.06
The report was adopted
The balance sheet was then read, showing receipts amounting to £88 12s 4d. £43 13s of this was for members subscription, and £9 12s 4d profit on the sale of refreshments. The whist drive, which had been held, realised over five pounds. The expenses including an item of £14 8s, players fares, £11 0s 7d for the preparation of the new bowling green, and £22 8s 8d for the new cricket outfit. Rent and insurance accounted for eight pounds. The balance sheet was accepted subject to the inspection by the auditors.
The chairman mentioned the loss, since the last meeting of Mr Sidney Ellis,. They all regretted. Referring to the balance sheet he said the adverse balance was undoubtedly due to the bad weather. It was not the fault of the secretary would be most energetic.
The election of officers
Mr Appleyard proposed that Mr Ogley be re-elected president. He had carried out the duties satisfactorily and I played once or twice. New line Mr Rowe seconded Mr Ogley was unanimously elected.
Mr Ogley in thanking them for re-electing him, announced that he would give a bat for the best bowling average next season.
The vice presidents were re-elected, with the addition of Messrs Raynor, Nicholson, Brocklesby, Cooper, Tuck and Blackett.
The loss since the last meeting of messrs Ellis and Nicholson was regretted by the chairman.
The secretary said they had received a letter from Mr Smethurst, chairman of the Conisbrough Parish Council, in which he stated that Mrs Walker contemplated stopping her subscriptions in view of the fact that she had had the cricket ground fence repaired.
It was decided to point out to Mr Walker that the Cricket Club asked the parish council to do the repairs. Mrs Walker was evidently under the impression that she had done the repairs for the cricket club instead of which shehad done them for the parish council.
Mr Graham was re-elected the joint office of secretary and treasurer.
The chairman said he was a most energetic secretary, but his work had been all uphill. Mr.Wroe was elected assistant secretary
First Team captain Mr.Wilkinson; vice captain Mr. H.Sharpe. Second team captain Mrs G Bateson; vice captain Mr.H. Appleyard.
The annual dinner of the club was fixed for March 8th at the Eagle and Child.
Mr Knowles proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman for presiding. Mr Appleyard seconded the chairman suitably responded