Conisbrough Decide on 3s 1d (16p) Week Rent Rise

December 1955

South Yorkshire Times, December 24, 1955

Conisbrough Decide on 3s 1d (16p) Week Rent Rise

It was decided at Monday’s meeting of Conisbrough Urban Council to increase the rents of all Council houses in the urban district. The increase, applicable from January 9 is 3s 1d per week on all houses.

The increase represents 1s 2d to meet increased expenditure on repairs, 1s 2d to meet the 1955 and estimated 1956 housing revenue deficits, 4 ½ d to meet the increase in loan charges, and loss of Exchequer contribution (subsidies) and 4 ½ d to establish a revenue surplus.

This increase will bring in another £8 per house each year. There are about 1000 council houses in the urban district.

Alderman B Roberts said that the housing revenue deficits up to March 31 last year was £1,560 and that it was estimated by next March deficit will be £3,100.

It was decided not to put the increase solely on new recently built houses as this will cause undue hardship. The rent for new houses would be between 22s 6d and 32s 6d per week.

Alderman Roberts said that he was not pleased to move the resolution but felt that it was very necessary.

The resolution was unanimously carried.

The first increase in rents will be collected on January 16 as from January 9.  The amount was almost sufficient to meet the financial situation, Alderman Roberts reported.

Chair of the Council, Councillor George Cheshire, J.P.suggested that due to gravity of the rent situation the matter should be first on the agenda.

This was agreed.