Merger Plan – Conisbrough Delegate Not Committed.

March 1946

South Yorkshire Times March 2 , 1946.

Not Committed.
Conisbrough Delegate on Doncaster Extension Plans.

A first denial that Conisbrough was committed in any way, was given to the ‘South Yorkshire Times’ on Tuesday by County Coun. B. Roberts, J. P., in commenting upon a report published during the week-end that a conference of representatives of the Borough of Doncaster and the urban districts of Adwick-le-Street, Bentley and Conisbrough had recommended the authorities to approve an ambitious plan under the Local Government (Boundary Commission) Act. 1945.

Must Go ‘Somewhere’
County Coun. Roberts, one of the three Conisbrough representatives at the conference, declared that they have never had any mandate from the Council on the subject. Doncaster had said that Conisbrough would have to go somewhere. They were speaking from their own interests. ‘ We told them we have no mandate, but if we had to choose we should go to Doncaster rather than the other way,’ Coun. Roberts added. ‘The report has no authority for saying Conisbrough would go in with them. The whole of the Council and the people want to know more about the matter than we know at present. It would be like ‘selling’ the people without us knowing the full benefits that would accrue and that would be a wrong thing.’

The published report states that the plan ’embraces in the future county borough the three urban districts and makes alternative suggestions regarding the Doncaster Rural Council area.

‘In connection with the boundary revision, which is likely to take place in the near future. Doncaster Rural Council asked Doncaster to state their plans and said that before a rural decision was made the information would be placed before the West Riding County Council.

‘Without discussion, Doncaster Rural Council, on Saturday, went into committee on a minute of the Finance and General Purposes Committee reporting receipt of a letter from the County Borough which said that details asked for by the Rural Council had been placed before a conference of representatives of Doncaster county borough and the urban councils of Adwick, Bentley and Conisbrough, and that the authorities represented at the conference were recommended to agree to the following resolutions:

‘ (1) Application to made to the Boundary Commission for an alternation to the boundaries of the county borough to include the urban districts of Adwick-le-Street. Bentley-with-Arksey, and Conisbrough and the following parishes in the Doncaster Rural District: – Burghwallis Owston, Thorne-in-Balne, Brodsworth, Marr. High Melton, Conisbrough, Cadeby, Warmsworth, Denaby, Conisbrough Parks, Edlington, Wadworth, Loversall, Rossington, Awkley, Blaxton, Cantley, Armthorpe, Barnby Dun-with-Kirk Sandall.

‘ (2) As an alternative, in view of the diminution of the area left to be administered by the Rural District Council, the whole of the area of the proposals should this be considered expedient.

‘ (3) That Doncaster Rural Council be informed that the representatives, in making their recommendations, are acting in accordance with the spirit of the Act and the Regulations.’