Conisbrough Education Committee

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 21 November 1942

Education Committee

The question of school attendance occupied the Conisbrough Education Sub-Committee at their meeting last Thursday.

An investigation has been carried out which shows that absenteeism is most prevalent on Fridays, and in practically every case there was no reasonable excuse. At one girls’ school recently there were 74 absentees on Friday.

The Chairman (Coon. D. Sheldon) said the problem would have to be tackled vigorously. A continuance of this offence would be met by stern measures. Special and final warnings are to be given to the parents of regular offenders. The Attendance Officer reported on 34 cases of poor attendance where a final warning had been given, and in 26 cases, where there had been no improvement, prosecutions were authorised.

The Rev. G. Needham asked for information as to the number of Denaby and Conisbrough boys who were travelling to Mexborough for training in the Army Cadet Corps, and who were also enjoying the free education facilities which were available to members of the Corps.

The Clerk promised to bring this information to the next meeting.

The report of the Modern School Governors, given by the Chairman, revealed a splendid success by the staff and boys in the cultivation of the land at the school. Some of the crops were: 62 stone carrots, 28 stone turnips, stone beet, 1500 head of lettuce. 6 marrows. 9 tons of potatoes, 300 cabbages and 70 cauliflowers. The value of the crop was stated to be £53 11s. 3d . Mr. Gledhill, the headmaster, was warmly thanked for this effort.

As a result of representations made by several parents, the war-time nursery at the Denaby School is to be opened from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and breakfasts, dinners and teas will be provided.

Mr. Stockdale reported that some rather tasty and unusual menus had been suggested by the County Council and a cook is to be advertised for.

Mr. Sheldon reported that he had, with an official of the Ministry of Supply, made a tour of the schools in connection with the removal of iron railings, and although some of the and panels been spared the majority of the railings would have to go.

Mrs. S. E. Urch, who has been a member of the Committee for a number of years, wrote to resign her seat owing to the pressure of domestic and other duties. Her resignation was accepted with regret, and tributes were paid to her valuable service.