South Yorkshire Times September 20, 1945
Conisbrough Hospital Decision
Doncaster and Mexborough joint Hospital board on Wednesday adopted, on the recommendation of the Hetherington committee, the recommendations of the Hetherington committee relating to salaries of domestic staff contained in the Hetherington report on minimum rates of wages and conditions of employment in connection with special arrangements for domestic help.
Coun Mrs. M. Jackson (vice-chairman,) presided.
Councillor. J. H. White (Chairman, house committee), said he hoped the staff would appreciate what was been done for them. A lot of hard work was put in at the committee meetings, but they kept getting little setbacks.
Mrs, E. Tate said there was credit due to the board, officials, the medical superintendent (doctor. J. McClure) and the matron (Miss A Symington), who really got things done.
It was also decided, on the recommendation of the house committee to appoint nurse M. McGovern as staff nurse at the hospital from January 1st , 1945 when she had completed three years prohibitationary service.
A further recommendation of the same committee, approved by the board, recommended that the Ministry of Labour be informed of the shortage of domestic staff at the hospital, and be asked to divert suitable persons to such work.
Dr McClure’s report stated that during the previous month 50 patients were discharged, convalescent and 48 were admitted to hospital (27 scarlet fever, 20 diphtheria, one enteritis), there remained 56 patients still under treatment.
In reply to Mr. White’s he said there had been a diminution in the number of cases in the year.