Conisbrough Isolation Hospital – Better Pay for Staff

October 1941

South Yorkshire Times, October 18, 1941.

Better Pay for Staff
At Conisbrough Isolation Hospital .

Following recommendations of the House Committee, Doncaster and Mexborough joint Hospital Board on Wednesday, decided to increase the wages of the staff at Conisbrough Isolation Hospital.

Cllr W. Cranfield, J.P., chairman of the house committee, said the increased wages would mean an immediate cost of £400 a year. The additional staff likely to be required would mean a further £1000 a year, making a total of £1400.

Other recommendations of the House Committee, which the Board approved were that the hours of duty of the staff should be limited to a maximum of 96 hours a fortnight (night and day), exclusive of meals, with a minimum of one free day per week, one and a half hours to be allowed for meals, alternate weekends off duty to be arraigned when possible, nurses on night duty to work not more than four nights a week, and no nurse except a sister engaged as a permanent officer, to do less than six or more than 12 months night duty in three years, and no consecutive term on night duty to exceed three months.

The annual leave for the trained staff are is to be not less than four weeks during a year. Sisters and administrative staff had to be allowed one weeks leave in the spring, in addition to 3 weeks in the summer or autumn.

Members of the staff with more than five years service may make application for an extended holiday.

The matron is to be allowed two months holiday, and assistant matron, six weeks, sewing maid three weeks and members of the domestic staff received four weeks holiday a year.

The staff of the Hospital are to be paid full salary (less National Health Insurance benefit payments if remaining in Hospital) for the period during absent from duty or in sickness, for a period of three months.

An allowance of £1 1s is to be made to resident members of the staff while on holiday.

Another minute of the House stated “that after letters had been received from Dr Penman, the Doncaster Rural Council, Dr J. MacArthur, of Conisbrough Irving Council and Dr J. Ferguson, Bentley, with Arksey Urban District, and Adwick le Street Urban District Council, had been read, will recommended that it be suggested to the County cap Council that they should utilise the decontamination centres in the district for the team until cases of scabies.”

The minute was confirmed.