Conisbrough Land Purchase – Price Referred to District Valuer

May 1955

South Yorkshire Times May 21, 1955

Conisbrough Land Purchase
Price Referred to District Valuer

The Clerk (Mr. R. F. Edwardson), reported at a meeting of the Housing Committee of Conisbrough Urban Council that the solicitors acting for Lady Diana Miller, in connection with the sale to the Council of 13.401 acres of land at Old Road, Conisbrough, where provisional agreement had been reached in November 1954, had asked that the question of the price to be paid should be referred back to the district valuer in order that their client should not be deprived of her claim for compensation as a result of the passing of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1954, subsequent to the date mentioned.

It was understood that the district valuer had now agreed to a revised purchase price with the vendor’s solicitors and would issue a further report in the near future.

Thereafter contracts would be exchanged and notice served on the present tenant to vacate the land. It was moved by Coun. G. Cheshire, and seconded by Coun. H. Gomersall, and recommended that the clerk be authorised to enter into a contract and serve the necessary notice on the tenant of the land and complete other formalities as soon as possible after submission of the district valuer’s report.