Conisbrough Landlord and his Servants.

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 August 1892

A Conisbrough Landlord and his Servants.

Thomas Shutt, innkeeper of Conisbrough was charged with having assaulted Mary Ann Gough, a married woman, living at Denaby.

Mr. Baddeley appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Hall for the defendant.

The complainant said on the 2dth July she went to the house kept by the defendant, and she had another woman named Mary Roach with her. She had gone to fetch away because of her daughter, who had been servant there, but who had been given her notice and who was sent away before the termination of the notice. She had gone to ask the reason of her daughter’s dismissal. They ordered a glass of beer each when they got to the house, and then had a conversation with the landlord. However, instead of answering her questions, the landlord ordered her out of the house. She said she would go as soon as she got her daughter’s clothes. But the landlord seized her by the shoulder and turned her out. He struck her, and then kicked her on the body. Mary Roach was also ordered out of the house although she had not opened her mouth.

Mr. Baddiley said he hoped the magistrates would teach Mr. Shutt that he could not be allowed to give way to violent fits of temper. It was quite legitimate for the woman to go to fetch her daughter’s clothes.

The complainant added that she wanted to know why the landlord had given her daughter notice, and he said he did not want to speak to her. He treated her like a dog. After he had assaulted her she said that was the first time any thing of the kind had been done to her, and that she should make him pay for it. The clothes were afterwards taken to her when she had been violently put outside the house.

Cross examine by Mr. Hall, the complainant denied that she had sworn at the landlord or that she had given the house a bad name.

Mrs. Mary Roach bore out the statement of the complainant, and added that the landlord used bad language to her.

Mr. Hall, for the defence said Mr. Shutt had very good reasons for discharging the complainant’s daughter, but he paid her wages before sending her away. He contended that no more violence than necessary was used in removing the complainant from the inn.

Alice Ottley was then called. She said the complainant used very bad language to the landlord, and struck him several times. He then shoved her out and shut the door. He did not kick her. She then threatened to ” smash his old face off.”

Mr. Baddeley: Where were you? – In the passage -Why did the daughter leave? – She had been calling me -She had complained about you to Mr. Shutt ?

Mr Hall Hall here rose and objected, and the witness said that the girl had slapped her in the mouth. Two men and witness’s sister also saw what took place on the day of the alleged assault.

Mr. Hall : Had the girl been staying out all night!

Yea, she was found asleep in the back yard one night

John Downing also gave evidence as to the scene in the house when the complainant was there.

Is answer to Mr. Hall, he said he saw the landlord use no violence, though he heard him order the woman out.

Henry Marshall said he heard the complainant use very bad language.

The Chairman said the magistrates had come to the conclusion that the landlord did not use unnecessary violence in having the complainant removed from the house, and the case was dismissed.