Conisborough Lorry Drivers Omission – No Record Kept

April 1936

Mexborough Swinton Times April 3 1936

No Record Kept
Conisborough Lorry Drivers Omission.

George Herbert Inch, motor driver, of Conisborough, was summoned at Doncaster West Riding police Court on Tuesday for not keeping a record of work on a lorry and for not having an insurance policy.

It was stated that the defendant was stopped by PC Hinchliffe on February 27 in Main Street Braithwell. He was asked to produce his record of hours, according to which his last entry was 11 AM that day. He asked him why he had not entered up the work for the other eight hours, and he explained that he usually had a mate, but he was ill, and he had had to take him home, and he had had the work to do on his own.

Which regard to the insurance policy, a cover note had expired some days previously.

Defendant told the officer he had sent the money for his insurance policy and he had got a cover note, which had been renewed. His policy had not arrived.

Mr A Conway, who defended, pleaded guilty, saying he regarded the insurance policy offences as a small technical one. Defendant had since received his insurance policy which had been delayed owing to certain enquiries have been to be made.

Defendant was fined a total of 30s