Conisbrough “Majority” Ball – Pleasing Social Function in the Drill Hall

February 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 3, 1912

Conisbrough “Majority” Ball

Pleasing Social Function in the Drill Hall

The Conisborough ball is always the chief social event of the local season, and the fixture attained its majority in the happiest manner possible on Thursday night, when the locale was changed to the Conisborough Territorial Drill Hall. This move being necessary on account of the Morley Place schools not being available. And it can be said that Mr W.W. Norwood, who has served as honorary secretary since the first ball 21 years ago, was primarily responsible for the continued success of the function of which he was the original initiator. He was well supported by a good committee, with Mr F Ogley as chairman, while the artistic assistance of the ladies was evidential throughout the whole suite of rooms.

Charming music was supplied by Mr G.W. Laughton’s “Ivanhoe” orchestra, and the M.C.’s were Messr. C. A. Wilde and H Williamson. The guest numbered over 80 and on all hands one heard satisfaction expressed at the completeness of the general arrangements for their comfort and pleasure. During the evening supper was served in the improvised dining room. The programme of dancing was admirably gone through, and was thoroughly enjoyed.

Article continues with a list of guests.