Mexborough and Swinton Times February 13, 1915
Conisbrough Man’s Fowl Theft
A Conisbrough miner named Joseph Wilkinson pleaded guilty to stealing two fowls, valued at eight shillings belonging to Ernest Walter, a pork butcher, from his hen roost on January 31.
The fowls were seen to be all right, along with 15 others, on Saturday, January 30, but next morning two were missing.
Evidence was given by the prosecutor and Louisa Charlesworth, wife of Charles Charlesworth, of eight Claremont Terrace, Conisbrough.
PC Paley, who arrested prisoner, said, when charged Wilkinson replied, “Yes, I stole two, took them home, and dressed and cooked them.”
Prisoner, in admitted the robbery, said it was done in drink. He was persuaded to do it. He was willing to make any damage good.
It was fined 30 shillings including the costs.