Conisbrough Medical Officer Commended – 40 Years of Progress Reviewed

June 1946

South Yorkshire Times June 22, 1946

Conisbrough M. O. Commended

Pictures of Denaby today and Denaby 40 years ago when he first came to the district were painted by Dr John MacArthur at Wednesday’s meeting of Conisbrough Urban Council when he bade farewell, upon his retirement, after 25 years service, from the position of the council’s first Medical Officer of Health. Tribute was paid to his sterling work in the township, and the council. On the motion of Councillor D. Sheldon, J. P. (Chairman) and County councillor. B. Roberts, J. P., decided to place on record their highest appreciation of Dr McArthur services.

Dr McArthur said the first month he came to Denaby he was looking out for another job, and got one, but Dr Forster persuaded him to stay. Later he did leave for Lancashire for 12 months but returned, and it was 40 years since he first came; and he had until his recent illness, never had a day’s illness.

When he came to Denaby infantile mortality was 222 per 1000 in 1944 it was 47 per 1000, the lowest on record, and it compared with anything in England and Wales. He was proud of that position.

He wished his successor (Dr D. T. Clark) every success. Doctor. McArthur completes his service with the Urban Council during the first week in July.

The Chairman declared that Dr McArthur was an institution in Denaby. He had been their first medical officer and he had done his work well and had always been ready to give his advice. Councillor G. Cheshire (vice-chairman), H. Gomersall, B. Roberts, D. Hollins, R. H. Shepard, J. T. B. Collins, G. Oldfield, and a. Wellings, and Messrs. A. W. R. Taylor (surveyor), R. W. Birch (Clerk) and J. Brocksom (“South Yorkshire Times,” on behalf of the press all associated themselves with the tributes.

Coun. Gomersall said Dr McArthur had lived with the people and in doing so had lived with the local authority and Coun. D. Collins remarked that Dr McArthur had been a sterling worker.