Conisbrough Men on 53,400 Cigarettes Charge

February 1950

South Yorkshire Times February 18, 1950

Conisbrough Men on 53,400 Cigarettes Charge

Bail was refused at Doncaster West Riding Magistrates’ Court on Friday, when two ConIshrough labourers, John Thomas Brannan (43), Daylands Avenue, and John Smith (52), Sandall Road, jointly charged with stealing 53,400 cigarettes and 15 pairs of overalls, total value of £406 13s. 10d., from British Railways, were both committed for trial at Leeds Assizes.

Mr. F. Taylor, who prosecuted, said that on January 17th the depot manager of Messrs. Carreras packed nine packages of cigarettes at Sheffield station for Hull.

They left Sheffield at 1.30 a.m. the next day, and arrived at Mexborough at 3.7 a.m. The wagon stayed in Mexborough sidings for 25  minutes and then carried on to Hull. On arrival at Hull it was found that the wagon had been broken open. Seven packages of cigarettes were missing and a case containing 15 pairs of overalls.

Mr. Taylor added that at 5.38 p.m. on January 18th, Brannan was seen carrying a suitcase in Conisbrough and was stopped by a police officer. He said: ” It’s a fair cop. I won’t run away.”

The case was opened and 10,800 cigarettes were found in it. Then further cigarettes were found at his home.

A sergeant went to Smith’s house and Smith said: ” Come, inside, sergeant. I have it all here, what I’ve got.”

Altogether, 18,820 cigarettes were recovered from Brannan and 24,530 cigarettes were recovered from Smith.

A total ‘ of 43,350 cigarettes were recovered, and the overalls were recovered from Smith,

Mr. Taylor added that Brannan made a statement admitting the offence, and when this was shown to Smith he said: “Yes, that’s correct.”

Mr. Taylor said he had 20 witnesses to call and would ask the magistrates to commit the two men to Leeds Assizes

Both men were granted legal aid.