Conisbrough Minister for Kenya – Missionary Appointment

July 1956

South Yorkshire Times July 14, 1956

Conisbrough Minister for Kenya
Missionary Appointment

Wesley Methodist minister Conisbrough, the rev. R. E. Kendall, has accepted a post as a missionary minister in Kenya. He was offered the position of chairman of the Methodist Mission for the Kenya district some weeks ago and this week he accepted.

Mr Kendall, a married man with two young children, has been Methodist minister at Conisbrough for four years and will move to Nairobi in September of this year, and then onto Kenya. Foreign missionary work is not new to Mr Kendall and his family, as before coming to Conisbrough he spent 12 years as a missionary in China.

His place at Conisbrough will be taken by the Rev. Maurice G. Watson, at present resident minister in the Highland and Wombwell circuit.