Conisbrough, not Conisborough

May 1949

South Yorkshire Times, May 21, 1949

Conisbrough, not Conisborough

Conisbrough Urban Council are winning their fight to establish the spelling of the township as Conisbrough, not Conisborough.

At their meeting on Wednesday, Coun. G. Oldfield (General Purposes Committee chairman) said that the Post Office had acceded to the Council’s request and raised no objection to the spelling of the name of the township as “Conisbrough.”

Steps, Doncaster’s Postmaster had written, would be taken forthwith to introduce the revised spelling so far as the Post Office is concerned.

Letter-writers kindly note

Last Word: The Vicar of Conisbrough, the Rev a F. Braithwaite, in his “Guide to the Parish Church of Conisborough” published this week perseveres with the spelling of “Conisborough.”