Mexborough and Swinton Times January 6, 1899
Conisborough Parish Council
The usual monthly meeting of the council was held on Monday night. Mr Charles Holmes presided.The members present were Messrs David Robinson (vice-chairman) , W.W.Norwood, G Harrison, F Ogly, G Singleton and G.H. Hirst, with the clerk (Mr G Hawksworth), the cemetery caretaker (Mr Hodgson) and the captain of the Fire Brigade (Mr. Jones)
The minutes of the previous monthly meeting were read and confirmed.
Grants of right were signed for Edwin Smith, James Brearley and John Edwin Darmington. A cheque for £11. 7s 6 d to meet burial expenses was signed.
It was decided to give Mr Greathead the order for an additional tool house to be erected at the cemetery. The council instructed the clerk to write to a Mexborough undertaker, asking him to be more punctual in attendances at funeral.
The question was asked as to whether the committee appointed to go over the recreational ground had any report to make.
Mr Norwood – We might say that owing to the Christmas festivities there is no report to make back. (laughter)
The clerk stated that he had not yet got to know anything definite with regard to more land for the purpose of allotments. He had seen Mr Wagstaffe, who was not very well pleased about the matter. He said he had to see him again. The Chairman said this matter wanted to be understood by the next council meeting. The clerk said he would see him again.
The clerk read a letter from Mr George White of Mexborough in which he stated that the trustee of the Montagu estate were inclined to meet the council with respect to their application for a piece of land for a recreational ground at New Conisborough.
Mr Robinson said I thought that subject had nearly dropped. The clerk read a formal notice he had received to the effect that application was intended to be made to Parliament for an act whereby it was proposed to abandon the Woodhouse and Conisborough railway, and to repeal the act passed in 1897. The chairman said they would remember that when the bill was promoted they sent them a formal notice. He did not think they would object to them abandoning the bill. Mr Norwood said I don’t suppose it will make a difference if we do (laughter)
Capt Jones presented its third annual report on the Fire Brigade, in which it was stated that during the year there have been 3 fires; the first at Messrs Walker’s and Crawshaw’s brick works, which was soon put out; the second at Mr Hanley’s house in Westgate, which soon put out by the hand pump; and the third took place at Mr Tompkinson´s farm at Clifton. He was pleased to say their efforts at the three fires had been successful. The brigade had attended seven demonstrations for charitable objects, and they had also attended the Yorkshire demonstration at Halifax. He was highly pleased and gratified with the way the men had responded when their services had been required, and also their good conduct when on duty. He gave a hearty invitation to the members of the council to inspect the fire engine house and apparatus.
Mr Robinson said, ” I thought it was an invitation to supper. “(Laughter)
Capt Jones – “You must hope that is coming after (laughter)
Mr Norwood said the brigade have been to 7 demonstrations and those kinds of things generally ended up with a feed and he thought that was an invitation for the council to one (laughter). The chairman said he thought they could congratulate the brigade on their efforts. (Here here)
Mr Norwood asked if the clerk had heard anything of the appeal to the local government board against Conisborough having urban powers. The clerk said he had not. The council at Doncaster had, but date was not yet fixed