Conisbrough Parish Council – Cemetery Lodge – Urban Council – Minnie Mow

April 1895

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 19, 1895

Conisbrough Parish Council

The annual meeting was held on Wednesday night, the members present being Messrs Whitfield, senior, Jones, Taylor, Norwood, Holmes, Casey, Robinson, Marsh, Booth and Ogley

Election of Chairman:

At the outset the vice-chairman, by general consent took the chair. Mr Jones then move the re-election of Mr Whitfield as chairman. Mr Holmes seconded and the resolution was unanimously carried

Mr Norwood congratulated the chairman and his reappointment, and in taking the chair Mr Whitfield thanked the meeting for their renewed confidence.

Alteration of Cemetery Lodge

The minutes of the Burial Committee were read which included a recommendation that the wall of the Board room at the cemetery Lodge be broken through, so as to give access to the caretaker’s house.

The chairman said he had been to see the house, and was of opinion that if they carried this out it would prove of no benefit, and cost a good deal of money. He moved that this minute be referred back.

Mr Marsh proposed that the whole of the Burial Committee minutes be referred back, and this was agreed.

Proposed Urban District

The Clerk read a letter from the County Council asking whether the meeting which passed a resolution, in August last, in favour of securing urban powers for Conisbrough are been summoned the necessary notices required by the Act, and also enquiring the meeting should be held at Denaby and Cadeby to consider the scheme. The Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter and supply the necessary statutory declaration with regard to the formalities of the parish meeting at Conisbrough.

Appointment of overseers

the following gentlemen were appointed overseers for the parish Messes Henry Earnshaw, George Taylor and P.G.Dufton.

The Clerk’s Salary

it was decided, after some discussion, to increase the salary of Mr Hawksworth, as assistant overseer, to £40 a year, in consideration of his fulfilling the duties of clerk to the parish council.

Fire Brigade

the whole of the members of Fire Brigade were unanimously re-elected, and Mr H Savile was elected captain of the beginning.

Minnie Mow

it was decided to advertise for tenders for the pasturage on the Minnie mow for the forthcoming year.

Standing Orders

the standing orders recommended by the committee were read over and approve, with one slight alteration, it was decided to have 200 copies of the same printed.