Conisbrough Parish Council
“Friendly” Cross Table Talk
Mr Baker and the Chairman
Strong Remarks
Proposal to play at Marbles
The ordinary monthly meeting of the Conisbrough Parish Council was held in the Station Road Infants School on Wednesday evening and was marked by the usual and characteristic passage of arms between certain members.
It cannot be said that it added further dignity to such a notorious body, but as such occurrences are frequent the public must be getting quite used to the meteorical display of language so generally a vivid characteristic.
Mr John Brocklesby presided and there were also present Mr W Wilson, Mr George Smithson, Mr David Robertson, Mr HH Wray, Mr Tom Pagdin, Mr HL Smethurst, Mr W Wright, Mr G Walker, Mr GW Mosby, Mr Henry Baker; with the assistant clerk, Mr A Wilson; and the cemetery caretaker, Mr J Hodgson.
The Chairman’s Position
Mr Baker said that it had occurred to him while away that they really are not a bona fide chairman of the meeting. He had not been elected in March, as he should have been.
The Chairman ruled Mr Baker out of order and the matter dropped.
The Earnshaw Lane footpath
a discussion took place respecting the proposed footpath from Earnshaw Lane Joe North Cliff. Mrs Miller reporting upon the result of the investigation of the committee appointed to deal with the matter. They considered the terms contained in a letter sent out on behalf of Mr FJO Montague by Mr George White, his agent to be reasonable. To erect an iron unclimbable fence would be a waste of public money, as already there was a good Hawthorn hedge upon one side.
The chairman move that the report be adopted. The committee had been at some considerable trouble in respect of the matter.
Mr Baker said that seeing the other right away case was pending decision before the magistrate, would it not been a better plan to defer the question. He certainly thought it would be better not to interfere until the other case was settled. Yours in favour of better accommodation being given to the public in the shape of footpaths, so that men work at the college and the glassworks could get more easily to their work, but he considered it would be very unwise of the council to proceed with the matter until the other had been settled.
The chairman pointed out that this was a different question entirely. The other had reference to a right away respect to a footpath which was believed by many ratepayers to be an old one, and one which ought not to be stopped up. The matter they were discussing was the securing of a right away, which did not touch the other at all.
Mr Wills remarked that the question had been on the books a considerable length of time, and he thought it would be quite safe in adopting the report.
Mr Smethurst said some of the men who had been summoned had spoken to him on the matter, and had said if the Council secured this path they would not bother about the other.
Mr Baker: But we, as a Counsel, are not going to give up our old and ancient rights. Continuing, he said he was afraid they persisted in proceeding with this footpath it would jeopardise the other.
Mr Walker rose to say something, whereupon
Mr Baker said: If I were you, I will be quiet and let your master speak. To be quiet and let somebody else have a word. (Loud laughter)
the Chairman, Mr Walker can speak as often as he likes in order. He does not speak half the number of times you do.
Mr Baker: Thank you very much, but I cannot help noticing that he always follows his master.
It was ultimately decided that the deprecation interview Mr George White, aged to Mr FJO Montague, with a view to coming to some agreement.
Mr Baker asked if the Chairman would not allow them to put an amendment.
The Chairman: You have had plenty of time to move one, the resolution is passed now.
Mr Baker: exactly; I quite understand you Mr Brocklesby. It will have to wait until the next meeting.
The Chairman: The committee can go tomorrow to see about it.
Mr Baker: Can we have the votes recorded?
The Chairman: Do you want to waste the time? It appears if you do.
Mr Baker: I am not wasting time, but what we what can we expect when you are not a bone fide chairman.
The Chairman: You can take legal proceedings.
Mr Baker: I am going to move a resolution at the end of the meeting.
Pig Styes and Water Mains
The Assistant Clerk read a letter from the surveyor’s department of the Doncaster Corporation to the effect that one of the tenants of the Allotments gardens through which ran a pipe track belonging to the Corporation, had utilised a gate there in connection with a pigsty. They asked that the offending tenant remove the stye from off the pipe track, and restore the gate to its proper position.
Mr Wray said he had also received a letter from the Corporation respecting the matter, though it was different to the won just read. When he let the allotment he had no idea that the pipe track did run through them, and he gave the man permission to utilise the gate, although he told him not to damage it. At the time the gate was stood in the middle of the field.
Mr Baker said Mr Ray I don’t quite right. It was a very “humane” act to let him put the pigsty up.
In a further discussion, the Chairman speaking to Mr Baker, said it appeared that yet come to the meeting with the sole purpose of creating a dispute, and to waste time.
Mr Baker: Oh, poor thing. I am sorry for you.
The Chairman: Last meeting, when you were not present, we got through the business in three quarters of an hour, and it looks tonight as if we are going to be three hours.
Mr Baker: Oh, poor thing. Letters have a game of marbles, we might as well.
The Chairman: You try to be sarcastic; but you don’t how to do it.
Ultimately it was decided to leave the matter with Mr Wray to arrange with the tenant.
The Valuation Proceedings
Further discussion took place respecting the valuation proceedings in regard to the New Conisbrough allotments and letters received from Doncaster solicitors.
Several members express themselves strongly on the matter. Mr Wilson remarking that the most aggravating thing about it was that had it not been for Mr Baker the Council would have paid the £10 asked for my Mr Clarkson in the first instance in settlement.
Mr Baker: I believe that is positively correct, and I am very proud – – – –
Mr Smithson: Mr Baker ought not to have spoken. (Laughter.)
Mr Baker: Well, this is our Parish Council. Let us have a game of marbles; we should do just as good.
Mr Wilson proposed that the letter be acknowledged and that a copy of the resolution be sent to Mr Shearman.
Mr Mosby seconded.
Mr Baker propose an amendment that no notice we take of the letter. The case was in the hands of the valuers, as they were going over the heads of these men if their adopted this course.
Mr Robinson seconded.
The resolution was carried.
Mr Baker requested that the votes be recorded, and made the remark that he was sure Mr Walker would vote, seing his master (Mr Wilson) had.
Mr Smithson said at this stage, addressing Mr Baker said “Oh, get away, you great fathead.” (Laughter).
Mr Baker: (smiling) And this is our Parish Council. I will tell you what I will do – – – –
Mr Smithson: You want your brains taking out and washing.
Mr Baker: Park at that. Isn’t it lovely.
Mr Smithson: Bow wow!
Eventually when order was restored, business was proceeded with.
The right of way case
a definition attending the meeting respecting the rights of way is pending before the magistrates.
Mr Rex who spoke on their behalf, suggested that instead of the Council endeavouring to secure the footpath from Earnshaw Lane to the bottom end of North Korean, they endeavour to secure it from Earnshaw Lane to the top of the Place, explaining that the lower portion was always flooded in wet weather.
A discussion followed, the Chairman explained that if they took the footpath to the top it would entail additional expense. If the lower part was flooded they would take steps to have it altered. The Council could not see their way clear to make any alteration.
Water Supply
Mr Pandy complained that the water be shut off without notice be given, thereby causing great inconvenience and annoyance. He should like to recommend to the District Council that warning be given in future..
Mr Baker said that instructions had already been given to the tap inspector to do so.
Mr Baker and the Chairman
Mr Baker, at the close of the meeting, give notice at the next meeting he would bring forward the question of the bone fide of that Chairman inasmuch as the had not been elected each year, as directed by the Parish Council Act.