Conisbrough Soldier Sun-Bathing in Malaya

January 1958

South Yorkshire Times, January 4, 1958

Conisbrough Soldier
Sun-Bathing in Malaya

INTO THE “South Yorkshire Times” office this week came, a letter from 23468897 Gunner Mall Higgins of the Royal Artillery stationed at Bidor, Perak in Malaya.

Gunner Higgins’ wife lives with her father at 17, Balby Street, Denaby, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Higgins, 33, Ivanhoe Road, Conisbrough.

On the above photograph Gunner Higgins is seen when he spent a day at Pankgor Island. His hobbies are swimming and cricket.

In his letter, Gunner Higgins says he used to work at Mexborough Brickworks before joining the Army and he used to play cricket for them as well. He is stationed with a mate who comes from Hoyland.

Gunner Higgins says he enjoys his service in Malaya because the time seems to go quicker and the weather is really grand.

At the moment, however, they are in the monsoon season during which they get rain every day for at least three weeks.