Conisbrough U. D. C. Concessions to employees – Schooling in working hours

February 1945

South Yorkshire Times February 24 1945

Schooling in working hours
Conisbrough U. D. C. Concessions to employees

Conisbrough Urban Council on Tuesday, Coun. G. Oldfield (Chairman), presiding, unanimously approved a minute of the sanitary and highways committee by which the council will encourage junior employees to take advantage of technical education available and will give leave of absence if necessary, during working hours, for this purpose.

Coun. F. Kelsall said it should be perfectly understood that the council will grant facilities to the whole of the junior employees who had the necessary initiative to go forward to received technical education.

Leave of absence during working hours would avoid the drudgery of lads having to attend night school. It was a step in the right direction, better for their education and their trade.

Count. D. Sheldon said the matter had been brought up at the Mexborough Technical College. It would be to the councils as well as the lad’s advantage.

Temporary houses

Lengthy discussions took place on a minute stating that the surveyor had reported that as there was apparently no other suitable land available that could be economically developed, the existing open spaces on the Daylands housing scheme, particularly Daylands Avenue, Warren Road and Prior Road, and the children’s playground off Park Road, and the council land on Station Road, should be utilised to accommodate 48 temporary houses.

The minute was finally approved.

When Coun. B. Roberts raised for consideration the matter of bypass in some of the existing sites and going into cheaper land higher up the surveyor said that drainage would then involve them in a heavy capital expenditure so that the ‘cheaper’ land might prove the more expensive in the long run

The minute was approved.

Transport conference?

Referring to the trackless service Coun. G. Cheshire said that wherever they had taken the matter up they had been met with evasive replies, and in view of all the local authorities dealing with the same subject they have fought fit to approach those local authorities (Mexborough, Swinton and Rawmarsh councils) to see if they were prepared to promote some machinery to step up the method of operators had of providing transportation for the whole area. The council are to suggest to Mexborough, Rawmarsh and Swinton councils the joint conference to take steps to secure an improvement in the service.

Mr. Tom Williams, M.P., had written the Council that their complaints about district transport had been forwarded to the Ministry of War transport, whose comments would be sent to the Council when received.