Conisbrough U.D.C. – No 50-50 Share, Retain 1 in 10 Housing Ratio

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times, Saturday December 22nd 1951

No Fifty- Fifty Share

Conishrough Will Retain One in 10 Housing Ratio

building licences for private building in Conisbrough will only be one in 10, not 34 per cent. of the total yearly allocation as the Parliament recommends. This decision was announced at Conisbrough Council meeting on Monday by Coun. R. R. Shephard.

Coun. Shephard explained that circular 75/31 from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government provided for a 50-50 allocation between cities and private build he was very pleased to announce that at Conisbrough the local authority had agreed to retain their 10% of the housing allocation to private builders.

It was apparent to him that those who had the money would be able to get houses— but at Conisbrough preferences would be allocated strictly on the basis of need.

A request from Doncaster Motor Club for permission to pass through Northcliffe Crags with a motor-cycle trial on January 27th was regretfully rejected, Coun. Shephard explaining that the Council had a large playing area for children there and it would be too dangerous to hold a trial.

Coun. G. Oldfield said that the Council’s main objection was that cycling on the Craggs was forbidden and the Council could not break their own resolution. “We have had prosecutions of people for riding cycles up and down the Craggs,” he said. This

The Highways Committee chairman, Coun. J. T. E. Collins, said the Council were not making much progress in the question of electric street lighting; in Doncaster Road, Denaby, but they were hoping that they would be having an improvement from Denaby crossing to Conisbrough station within the next few months. Whether those hopes materialised was another matter, but it would not be for lack of pressure by the Surveyor (Mr. A. W. R. Taylor) and the Council.

“We are convinced that our street lighting is obsolete and it is time we had an improvement, Collins said.

Coun. Collins said that some time ago the council met the County Council with regard to certain improvements at Brooke Square, Rock House and Burcroft. Little had been done since, but the Council were asking the County Council to meet them again, and as a result they were hoping that some improvements will take place.

They were also asking the County Council Sub – committee to inspect the bus stop at Burcroft because they had received complaints from users of the bus stop that it was not very suitable.