Conisbrough Youth Council – Want Dance Floor

December 1946

South Yorkshire Times, December 7, 1946

Want Dance Floor
Conisbrough Youth Council’s Request

Conisbrough Youth Council on Friday adopted a recommendation made by the Centre’s Management Committee to apply to the Divisional Education Executive and the local primary school managers to have a new floor, suitable for physical training and dancing, made in the centre’s clubroom in the Balby Street school.

The floor, at present, it was stated, was not fit for dancing, a point which was raised when a letter was read from the education officer (Mr E. B. Stockdale) informing the youth Council that their application for the use of the Rossington Street school for a dance had been refused by Conisbrough primary managers in accordance with a previous ruling of the Education Executive.

As a result of an enquiry made by the Youth Council, Conisbrough Urban Council wrote that the Denaby Baths could not be reopened until the appropriate filtration plant had been supplied, but the time was not opportune especially with regard to the state of building materials and labour. Application would be made to the appropriate quarter from a grant towards the cost of the plant, and every endeavour would be made to restart the use of the Baths as soon as possible.

Tenancy Point.

The chairman (Mr J. Proctor) drew attention in a letter to a complaint that the trustees of the Conisbrough Miners Welfare had made a charge of £10 on the Fullerton Agricultural Society for the use of the welfare field for the annual show. This seemed most irregular, the letter stated, as the Youth Council were tenants of the field.

The secretary (Mr I. K. Hetherington) said the society’s application had come before the youth Council, who had agreed to the use of the field at a charge of £1.

On the proposition of Coun J. T. E. Collins it was decided to approach the Welfare trustees asking that the amount charged should be submitted to the Youth Council as tenants.

“If we did receive it we should hand it back, all except the 1 pound, to the Fullerton Hospital Committee.”

A suggestion by Coun H. Gomersall that a written tenancy should be obtained from the Welfare trustees was also agreed.

Plans for raising money, evolved by a specially convened meeting of the ways and Means committee, were shelved until such time as any of the constituent youth groups appealed to the youth Council for financial aid. It was pointed out that since the formulation of some scheme had been suggested the Assistant County Youth Organiser had stated that it was not desirable for Youth Councils to hold money, but that money raising should be confined to the individual groups. The subcommittee suggestions included the application for a grant to the urban authority, a fete and pageant of youth groups.

Tribute was paid to the valuable services of Mr T. Wakefield in organising cricket under the auspices of the Youth Council and football on behalf of the youth Centre, and the meeting decided to make enquiries of the County Youth Committee with a view to granting an honorarium. Four of the teams under Mr Wakefield’s care, it was revealed were well in the running for trophies.

Mr R. J. Troughton (Youth Centre Secretary) said it was helped to have the canteen, permission for which has been granted by the County Committee and the local Food Office, in operation at the Balby Street centre in the New Year. Membership there was increasing.

Mrs K. Precious (Conisbrough (G. F. S.) said her organisation had so many members – 80 girls – that she had had to limit membership. Her request for gym shoes for country dancing activities was referred to the county committee. Application for affiliation to the Youth Council was sought by the Epworth Hall Youth Group.