Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 06 August 1910
Conscientious Objection to Support of Old Mother
George Beckett, joiner, of Conisboro’, has apparently got a conscientious objection to contributing towards the support of his old mother, who is in receipt of outdoor relief at Warmsworth.
In August last an order was made for him to contribute 2/6 weekly, and up to the 14th March of this year he made irregular payments. The payments then stopped altogether, and in June he was hauled before the Bench, and an order made against him for payment of the arrears .£3 18s 8d.
As he hadn’t paid a farthing since the Doncaster Guardians took out a judgement summons against him. Beckett did not appear, but his employer told the Bench that the man’s average wares for July were £1 4s 9d weekly. He could have worked full time if he liked.
The erring son was committed for a month.