Contradictory Evidence

July 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times, 29th July 1892

Contradictory Evidence

Conisborough has become quite notorious for –, “contradictory evidence.” and the Times this week will afford another illustration of this. The police here never know whether they will secure a conviction because there are so many persons ready to come and give emphatic contradictions and then, in the conflict of testimony, the justices are bound to discharge the defendants.

A township is not to be envied that gets a character of this kind and the sooner it loses it the better. Unless it does so, I am fully expecting to find somebody getting duly rewarded for perjury. This would be an eye-opener and might result in less lies being told after the kissing of the Bible as an outward indi Mexborough & Swinton Times, 29th July 1892cation that the truth will be spoken.

I doubt if some of the witnesses ever read that Word or realise the full meaning of taking the oath.