Mexborough and Swinton Times October 2, 1896
Cooperative Tea and Concert at Conisborough
A public tea and concert was given on Wednesday evening in the board schools, under the auspices of the Conisborough branch of the woman’s Guild. The tea was a very substantial meal, provided by the Doncaster cooperative Society, and there were about 140 parttook of the same.
The concert was of a miscellaneous character, consisting of glees, songs, citations, etc., being presided over by Mr T. R. Whitworth, chairman of the educational department.
The chairman, in a few appropriate remarks, pointed out that the principle of the co-operative society were to benefit the working classes; that the membership of the society was increasing .by thousands per annum within a radius of 50 miles
Mr C. Whiteman, J. P., President of the society, also delivered a short address, dwelling chiefly upon the progress made by the co-operative movement during the past 50 years. During that time it had greatly increased the number of home comforts for the working classes, and over £4 million profit had been handed over to the members of the movement.
Mr J. T. Weston, secretary of the educational department, said that the sales of their society for 1895 amounted to £131,504 and that the present year promised to far exceed that figure. The sales of the Doncaster society since its formation in 28 years ago amounted to £1,414,641 he claimed that the society was a good provision for old age, and was also a democratic movement, each member possessing one-vote they were not a selfish class of individuals as some said, but they intended to look after their own interests. The musical part of the programme was of a very pleasing nature, being interspersed with light character sketches, which were loudly applauded. Programme: –
Glee, “springs bright glances”
Song, “Harbour Lights” Mr J Charlesworth
Song, “The River of Yours, Mrs Andrews
Song, “Old Brigade,” Mr F. Duxford
Song, “In the Old Way” Mr Hill
Sketch, “Village Concert” Mr Bradley
Piano Solo, “Echoes from Cumbria” Miss Pearson
Song, “Union Jack” Mr J Charlesworth
Song, “Under the Daisy” Mrs Andrews
Song “Sailor’s Anchor” Mr F. Tuxworth
Song, “I Dream the Dream” Mrs Hill
Both tea and concert throughout was a decided success, the board schools being packed for the concert. Votes of thanks were passed to the chairman and musicians, on the motion of Mrs C Jones.