Corks Will Be A-Poppin’ For Six Very Good Reasons

May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 30th, 1970

Corks Will Be A-Poppin’ For Six Very Good Reasons

When Frank Haigh and June Winnard fixed their wedding date, it was to be a double celebration…then a treble celebration…then a quadruple…then quintuple…now there are SIX good reasons for the family to bring out the champagne.

June 20th is the date fixed for the wedding at Conisbrough Parish Church – the day after Frank’s grandparents, Bill and Gladys Parkin, celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.


Not only will the corks be a-poppin’ for the wedding and the golden wedding – but it is also the date of Frank’s 22nd birthday and it is just a week after June’s birthday.

On top of that, just six days later it will be the sixth birthday of little Paul Haigh, a pageboy at the wedding and on the day of the wedding – Les Winnard – who will be giving the bride away, celebrates his own birthday!

So, for Frank, 40, Silverwood View, Conisbrough, and his 18-years-old bride it will really be a day to remember for the rest of their lives.

At One Blow!

Both families plan to wait until the reception at Conisbrough Welfare Hall before celebrating anything and then it will be six at one blow!

Grandmother Mrs. Parkin, of Blaydon Cottage, Burcroft, said “Frank and his fiancée fixed the date of the wedding to coincide with his own birthday.  And they wanted to get married on the same date of the year their grandparents had. The couple didn’t know the day coincided with Paul and Les’s birthday.”

One thing for certain – everyone will have a good time drinking a toast to Frank…and June…and Bill…and Gladys…and Les…and Paul…and Frank again…and then June again – and that doesn’t include encores!